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RE: Hive: Providing Much Of What People Need

in LeoFinance3 years ago

yes it is dificult to be in all kind of proyect inside of hive, imagine if you want to monitoring the other blockchain platform, it is imposible right.
we really are a new proyect, that are trying to develop a lot of thing in a velocity of light, it is incredible.
yes my sr, hive hive us the oportunity to enter to defi ecosystem becasue for the hight cost was in the pass dificult to us, but here we a re harvesting a lot of money right now this give a new power and when leobridge come and the kingdong guau it will give us a great visibility in the ecosystem of blockchain
right now i do not know why in the news hive do not appears always other blockchain are in the news but we not, maybe people do not believe a little inthe fork but in the future we demostrare, that we are a powerfull blockchain.
yes it is more important than lambos and money inside, the hive is changing life a lot, specially in venezuelan comunity, there are a lot of people whi lives with this, and the covid 19 let us the oportunity to know that the healthy and food are the two things that we need and the most important in the word, no more, the rest is vanity right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The underlying values of a lot of people who are very active is what is changing things.

Like Dan says, ride or die. Many of us are going to ride to the greatest heights here or completely crash and burn. No middle ground.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I hope to be there to ride these great heights to come, since I hope not to burn and if we have to burn, at least I will be able to tell the friends that I saw how others became enriequeque and I was poor for having been on the wrong side, but I think that is not It will be like this because I am sure and I have full confidence that I have chosen the right path.
Tomorrow people will say why you did not invite but those I have invited have made some posts and are giving up and I can not do much since one can not be there puja que puya truth people have concentrated on the performance of others they only see that others earn a lot and they nothing and if they are newcomers, but well that's another story, one must always see that one is winning and a lot even if it is pennies, not see what the others, as papa always said, when you see Someone winning be happy for him, surely tomorrow you will be winning too, just make an effort, the reward will come but hey, that's another story of people who only see what others are and do not see themselves.
we are still here learning and trying to innovate and involve others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This place is ideal for the poor actually when you think about it. Anyone can come in and get active. It take no money or following. Simply just doing what leads to success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta