Universal Basic Income (UBI) A Good or Bad Idea?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Have you thought about a society where everyone received a guaranteed income? There will be free money to cover up the basic needs of everyone and everyone will be able to travel from one place to another, in fact, I will be willing to travel round the world, don't ask me, I have been willing to do that but I haven't been able to do it yet because I haven't gotten that free money from the government.


There have been several debate about this free money from people for and against and this is why I do not think that this free money from the government to solve my daily need will not be coming anytime soon.

Universal Basic Income has been tried by so many countries but then, a lot of people are against it to a very reasonable extent. So what is UBI?

A friend of mine do not like the game of monopoly, and then I asked him why and he said it is not realistic, Nobody gives you $200 for just passing go. This is just how UBI works, the government is giving you money for passing go but this time around, the go is you living. The government is paying you for living.


Universal Basic Income is a kind of money that is paid by the government so citizens can live. There have been a lot of concerns to either automation will take over our jobs. Well, there are a lot of jobs that will be taking away by automation and with this, a lot of people just agree with UBI.

There are a lot of benefits and drawbacks to UBI, a benefit includes reducing poverty levels and inequality, help unemployed when automation take away their jobs, and a boost to mental health where people do not worry about their basic necessities.

On a contrary note, a lot people believe that UBI will be expensive allowing the government to print more money and share more money thereby causing inflation, reduction of work moral, as well as increase the inequality if the rich continue to make more money while getting free money from the government.

A few countries and states such as Alaska, Canada, Iran, Kenya, Spain, Brazil have experimented it and the results were good but then do the entire world just shit into UBI?

What is your take, do you support UBI or not?

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