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RE: Leveling the Playing Field - LEO is Switching to a Linear Curation Curve

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Switching to a Linear Curation Curve

Finally! That's exactly what I am suggesting since quite while! I wrote about my ideas for example here.

We're not here to talk down on people who autovote. It's clear that doing so is in your best personal interest but it is clearly not in the best interest of the platform.

Well, the one who thinks a little bit further should recognize very easily, that acting in the "best interest of the platform" actually IS the best way to serve their personal interest, too!
Unfortunately, so far HIVE is rewarding shortseighted behavior which is most harmful for manual curators but in the long term for all HIVE users and investors.

So far I completely missed the 'LEO train' but will observe it more closely from now on.


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