Be an entrepreneur and not an employee [ESP] Ser emprendedor y no empleado

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Being an entrepreneur or an employee is not good or bad one or the other.

Being an entrepreneur or undertaking is not something simple, since it is going against the common people. To be an entrepreneur is to be an entrepreneur, it is to be a participant in commitments and responsibilities.

If you are not yet an entrepreneur, you should know that the entrepreneur is the one who works the most in his business, many times the income makes us give up until it leads us to want to leave everything and resign, the entrepreneur also tends to do many things and the business sometimes does not prosper With all this, why should we undertake?

We can weigh many factors such as "Security, freedom, dreams, limits", that is to say that entrepreneurship is not about security or the money you earn, it is about being free to achieve our dreams.

That is why together we will see in the following publications many reasons that we can take to decide to undertake. Are you accompanying me?



Ser emprendedor o empleado no es bueno o malo uno u otro.

Ser emprendedor o emprender no es algo sencillo, desde ya es ir en contra el común de las personas. Ser emprendedor es ser empresario, es ser partícipe de los compromisos y las responsabilidades.

Si aún no eres emprendedor debes saber que el emprendedor es el que mas trabaja en su negocio, muchas veces los ingresos nos hacen desistir hasta nos lleva a querer dejar todo y renunciar, también el emprendedor suele hacer muchas cosas y el negocio en ocasiones no prospera, con todo esto ¿Porque razón emprender?

Podemos poner en la balanza muchos factores tales como "Seguridad, libertad, sueños, límites", es decir que el emprendedurísmo no se trata de seguridad o el dinero que ganas, se trata de ser libres para alcanzar nuestros sueños.

Es por ello que juntos veremos en las siguientes publicaciones muchas razones que podemos tomar para decidir emprender ¿Me acompañas?

Muchas Gracias por visitar mi Blog!


I tried to be an enterpreneur before, it did not work out, I was without income for a few months and burned my reserves. For now, while I recover from a personal financial crisis, I prefer to be an employee, I need to save money to be able to, for example, contribute with coding on blockchain related projects (something I liked to do, but does not generate income)

Excellent, this is so, there are times we will need to go for something that generates money in the short term to be able to capitalize, and is valid. In my case it is easier to be employed now.