Publicly Traded Companies have invested more than $6 Billion into Bitcoin...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Publicly Traded companies are quietly becoming some of the largest Bitcoin investors

We likely all heard the news about Square and MSTR investing hundreds of millions into bitcoin by now...

However, there is actually at least 10 publicly traded companies that have invested in bitcoin at this point, and the amount they invested totals more than $6 billion dollars.

At least 10 publicly traded companies have announced or filed that they have purchased bitcoin worth more than $6 billion currently:


(Source: ~~~ embed:1315853890424717312/photo/1) twitter metadata:Q29pbjk4QW5hbHl0aWNzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NvaW45OEFuYWx5dGljcy9zdGF0dXMvMTMxNTg1Mzg5MDQyNDcxNzMxMi9waG90by8xKXw= ~~~

And this is probably just the beginning.

With shareholders looking at the out-sized returns MSTR has generated since buying bitcoin (they are up some 30% since buying bitcoin) it won't take long before shareholders start demanding it from their companies as well.

Will they put their entire treasury into bitcoin? Probably not, but they could very easily follow the path laid out by Square where they invested roughly 1% of their assets into bitcoin.

The White Swan event I never saw coming...

Everyone likes to talk about black swan events and how they can wreck an investment...

The unforeseen events that often catch the market by surprise in a very negative way, often resulting in dramatic price declines in very periods of time.

However, I think this is somewhat of a white swan event.

Back several years ago when I was doing my due diligence on bitcoin and deciding what kind of runway it might have in terms of an investment, I looked at its potential as a store of value and it's ability to pull from the gold market...

I looked at it being under-owned by large institutions, a la family offices, private investment funds, pension funds, hedge funds etc etc etc.

But I never expected fortune 500 and publicly traded companies to add it to their balance sheets.

Last I saw there was more than $7 trillion on corporate balance sheets, so I'd say this is a massive white swan that I never saw coming that could impact the price in a very positive way.

The genie is out of the bottle at this point and the next 12-16 months are going to be very fun for bitcoin investors.

Stay informed my friends.


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That’s a great deal of fiat to squeeze into a tiny market like Bitcoin. And that’s before FOMO sets in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, plus I suspect those holders will have some very strong hands. They are not going to be flipping in and out. They are in for the medium to long term.

Black swan means it is unexpected. White swan is expected. So if you did not expect it then its black swan. The black isn't necessarily negative.

To be honest I didn't even know there was technically a white swan event until just now. It was supposed to be cheeky and simply the opposite of a black swan event, which is most often in reference to an unforeseen bad event.

Big techs coming into cryptocurrency..

Good for the space

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep and they are buying at $10k-$11k, which means there is probably going to be a ton of support at these levels going forward. Probably won't ever go below $10k again.

Yeah, for the time-being, the support level might not be below $10k but I can't say for sure that in weeks to come it won't ever go below $10k...

There are possibilities of it still dipping.