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RE: Steem Soft Forks To Freeze Community321 Account

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I just left an upvote and it was worth -2.09. Don't quite know what happened...

I simultaneously like the idea of a social credit score, where bad actors are affected negatively. I like it because someone like Sun would not be able to just buy and destroy another blockchain (or inadvertently have it move and become stronger). I don't like it because it becomes something that is somehow judged and weighed and measured. I like the idea of a blockchain existing, all of your information being there, all of your transactions, and anyone interested being able to guage the "good" or "bad" of your work on their own.

I did notice that my upvote on the steem blockchain is worth more, and also noticed that I can't get any steem out of my account. What are people using nowadays to trade steem? Blocktrades, Bittrex, and Ionomy all seem to not want to play.


Maybe you mistakenly downvoted.

Posted Using LeoFinance