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RE: Crypto Use in Venezuela: How Significant is it Really?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I was part of the deep dives and #informationwar community and researched Venezuela using Wiki Leaks, The real reason Venezuela is punished IMO through hours of hard research using official documents is "Petro Caribe" I was a NFT sceptic but I like promoting Hive and it was a community I new nothing about even the tokenomics had my head spinning. I joined the #NFTShowroom on #Hive, bought a NFT with swap Hive in my Leo Dex and was hooked!! I than became serious and the best artist's on the Hive Block Chain are from Venezuela, There is a art movement in Venezuela that is distinct and original, and you heard it here first, "Venezuelan Anime" I noticed a trend most of my favorite artists are in Venezuela. I interviewed 4 artist from Venezuela on my blog, and made incredible friends, Google Translate is so good our Global Block chain has no language barriers, Historic, Crypto for the NFT artists on Hive is as important as my 40 hour paycheck in the States is. Alas I believe Venezuela needs more grassroots accounts and real independent reports from the citizens what is really happening and why. That's why I referred Nahu to you, Hive is helping feed families and no one is talking about it, there are people in countries with very low Cost of living that are able to provide for their family off of Content Creation, The NFT Showroom on Hive has artists from all over the world, and nobody ever tells me this, the Truth is when you buy NFT's on Hive it is a store of value and in exchange people can provide for their families using the Block chain, in the US you would need $5,000 a month and that wouldn't go far with a family in certain states and cities, I applaud the post, I currently am involved in promoting the Hive Blockchain the NFT Showroom and namely Venezuelan NFT artists from Hive. Venezuelan art is on fire, Venezuela will definitely be known for NFT Art the way Germany is known for cars.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm more than willing to believe Venezuela and other oil producing countries are the victims of global economic sanctions, I just don't know enough about it to comment.

I have actually taught 'global development' for many years, but have focussed mainly on ex-British colonies as they're closer to home (you can't do everything, it's just impossible).

Interesting to hear about the NFTs, I know Hive is supporting a lot of people, it's something I want to dig into more!

Getting some great comments here,
