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RE: Bitcoin Dominance And Altseason | When is an altseason coming?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What I genuinely can't understand about Hive is its unpopularity! The same arguments are correctly wheeled out that its super-fast, super scaleable and has nice easy wallet addresses but yet...It constantly drives me insane to see the absolute, utility less shite coins that people are simply using for playing their trading games.

I truly hope @lordbutterfly gets his awesome marketing campaign funded and off the ground and then we can really show what this chain is about: Empowering people!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess it doesn’t help that Hive had a controversial start. It’s hard to get the word out if articles about it muddle the info we have out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had already been following Ignite Visibility for some time and learned many things from their YouTube channel. I think they are a great fit. On top of that, I think a Brave Ad campaign would be beneficial too:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive might surprise a lot of people in the long run :)
IMO it just need simple apps and easy onboarding .... soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta