What's happening at dCrops? / Co słychać w grze dCrops? [EN/PL]

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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21 onions and one radish. This is my harvest today in the @dcrops game. It's been two months since the release of the new game on Hive. What is currently happening at dCrops?


I will not hide the fact that I expected more from this game. I enter it once a day to check if my crops are ready for harvesting. And so I spend 2 minutes, sometimes 5 minutes and forget about the game. I guess that's what the developers intended in their hearts. A kind of idle game based on #Hive. And it's cool, just lacks any dynamism in my opinion.

You know those farm simulators for smartphones? They are dynamic, we have a view of a real farm, different buttons and lots of animations. On dCrops we have a window simulating a green area and pictures of our crops. The game still lacks in terms of interface. It would be much better to "play" it if a similar interface was used as in popular games such as farm simulator.


At the end of the season we earn a CROP token. And what to do with it? It's hard for me to say right now. I guess only buy farmland from @acidyo. I have 837,557 CROP worth less than half a dollar on Hive Engine. Sell tokens and sleep on the money is probably not the idea behind dCrops. Although that's not the most important thing, it's just a game after all (Splinterlands, hehe, money!).

To sum up. As long as nothing changes, I will continue to devote 15 minutes a week to this game because that's all it now deserves. If the developers added something eye-catching it would definitely be a positive change. Can you imagine Splinterlands fights without animations and explosive effects? Me neither.

Thank you and until the next one, Nervi.

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21 cebul i jedna rzodkiewka. To moje dzisiejsze zbiory w grze @dcrops. Minęły dwa miesiące od premiery nowej gry na Hive. Co aktualnie dzieje się w dCrops?


Nie będę ukrywał, że spodziewałem się więcej po tej grze. Wchodzę do niej raz dziennie aby sprawdzić czy moje plony są już gotowe do zbioru. I tak poświęcam tej grze 2 minuty, czasem 5 minut i zapominam o niej. Taki chyba był w głębi serca zamysł twórców. Taka gra typu idle oparta na #Hive. I fajnie, tylko brakuje jakiejkolwiek dynamiki moim zdaniem.

Kojarzycie te symulatory farmy na smartfony? W nich jest dynamika, mamy widok na prawdziwą farmę, różne przyciski i dużo animacji. Na dCrops mamy okienko symulujące teren zieleni i obrazki naszych upraw. Od strony interfejsu gra jeszcze kuleje. O wiele lepiej by się w nią "grało" gdyby zastosowany podobny interfejs jak w popularnych grach typu symulator farmy.


Pod koniec sezonu zarabiamy token CROP. I co z nim zrobić? Ciężko mi teraz powiedzieć. Chyba jedynie kupić farmlandy od @acidyo. Na Hive Engine mam 837.557 CROP o wartości mniejszej niż pół dolara. Sprzedać tokeny i spać na pieniądzach to chyba nie jest idea przyświecająca dCrops. Chociaż to nie jest najważniejsze, to w końcu tylko gra (Splinterlands, hehe, pieniążki!).

Podsumowując. Dopóki nic się nie zmieni to dalej będę poświęcał tej grze 15 minut w tygodniu bo na tyle jedynie teraz zasługuje. Gdyby twórcy dodali coś co by przykuło oko to byłaby to z pewnością zmiana na plus. Wyobrażacie sobie walki Splinterlands bez animacji i wybuchających efektów? Ja też nie.

Dziękuję i do następnego, Nervi.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I just harvested some onions and radishes too. It's not been a good season for me. I lost my harvest of peas because I clicked the wrong button and I have no winter legendaries so once they're gone they're gone.

I don't play every day. I don't have enough crops. I just put on the calendar when the next harvest is due and play then.

I was hoping to be able to buy packs with crop tokens but, as you say, at the moment there is't really much to do with them.

As it takes so little time I'll keep going and see how it develops.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I lost my harvest of peas because I clicked the wrong button and I have no winter legendaries so once they're gone they're gone.

What a pity!

I agree, I will also see how it develops. Maybe this is the future game :)

Maybe this is the future game

I don't think it will last very long if it is. 😂


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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games like dcrops are simple games but I consider them not games but small investments with their own risk factor...This is to tell you that the graphics go in the background even if a nice graphic is always nice to see.
in my opinion dcrops has potential but for the success of the game in the future it will be necessary to provide more use cases for the dcrops tokens and i hope the development team will do it.