

Well Marx, like John Maynard Keynes, shows what happens when economists (or economic schools of thought) are politicized. Suddenly one view or another is tossed out because of a political view. Even though I disagree with Keynes fundamental premise, he wrote a lot of insightful stuff.

The same is true for Marx. The major problem with Marx is how those that followed his ideas tried to forcefully affect change, resulting in a system that was worse than what was before.

This time, we will are seeing the decline in capitalism while there is an evolutionary creation of something else which is am sure will be named over the next decade by academia.

Posted Using LeoFinance

The same is true for Marx. The major problem with Marx is how those that followed his ideas tried to forcefully affect change, resulting in a system that was worse than what was before.

The ironic thing when libertarian types tend to beat up on old Karl is that the end game of Marxism is to reach the stage of such abundance that the state is no longer required. He spoke very little, if at all, about the forming of a communist state.

This time, we will are seeing the decline in capitalism while there is an evolutionary creation of something else which is am sure will be named over the next decade by academia.

Yep, or as Monty Python used to say, "And now for something completely different." 😎