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RE: Market Watch: Cub to Burn 100% in next IDO.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The World is in a liquidity crisis and ever since CUB launched I have seen Leo become victim to the lack of liquidity that is hurting a lot of regular stock markets.

If it really is over sold, launching a sidechain liquidity pair might have killed the token in the long term.

I was using Leo, but once that LP madness got to their small cap markets I didn't see anything good coming for it.


We have plenty of liquidity.

AMM provides exponentially more liquidity than legacy order books.
Huge LEO and CUB whales can move in and out of the market with ease.
I should know because I am one.
I constantly strive to own 1% of CUB and 1% of LEO.
That is a gigantic amount.

If it really is over sold, launching a sidechain liquidity pair might have killed the token in the long term.

I'm going to come back to this reference after a couple more IDOs and see if it still applies.
Too many people out there don't realize what is about to happen.
The first IDO sucked away all the FOMO and speculation of this event.
That means these fundamentals are 100% not priced in.

The next IDO burns 100% CUB, and a lot more of it than the first IDO.
It's going to be a good run, and there are 4 other IDOs lined up behind it.

Cool, I appreciate your insight on the matter, feel free to tag me.

I was one of the ones who panic sold CUB because of exactly what I said, at least you have a logical rebuttal and a time based interpretation of the market.

So many forget how relevant time is to volume...

POB and anything Splinterlands have been the place to be. Got any plots ?

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I have never had a blockchain game appeal to me very much, I just put the tokens in the diesel pools so u capitalize on the trend.

I have never actually played … I just bought 300 Steemmonsters cards in 2018 and now collect SPS and stake to earn 130% apr

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I hate any kind of "magic" in games. Even seeing the word mana on Hive here pisses me off.

I hate psuedo-spiritual people who have pseudo-scientific beliefs.

These kind of games virtual signal to people who are mentally challenged about the influence of Astral deities in their life, that their imagery friends are real.

I especially like the magic of 120% APR yields staking my SPS.

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Supply and Demand are relevant to inflation though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment