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RE: Hive Account As A Basis For Web 3.0

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thank you for this post good sir, I feel like this is an excellent summary of what makes this ecosystem special! I got FOMO hard last year seeing crypto take off and some of my buddies made a killing. Jumped in last November and have thoroughly enjoyed the ride so far, despite losing some money along the way. When I started off I decided I needed to try out a bunch of stuff and not just play around on exchanges. In order to understand things better I decided to pick out a P2E game to mess around with and since I like card games Splinterlands got the win. The rabbit hole led me to Hive which has led me to Leo. I absolutely love how everything here is connected and yet its own thing :o)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is a learning process. We know how bear markets can deter people.

Stick with it. Things will turn around. Use this time to build and grow things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta