One thing sure is that you read through.
And never doubt I certainly do. I certainly read and digest absolutely everything, including the comments and feedback from others, before issuing my opinion. Because quite frankly, how else would we know what the heck we're talking about?
i expected such response
Well, then that's a great surprise. Are you by chance a clairvoyant or something? ;o)
You are welcome senior brother.
Thank you brother! :)
You are also welcome to my sometime twisted jokes & unexpected extravagances.
Lolz, loved your company though, I love the vibe too. Am not a clairvoyant, I don't see the future just that I align the direction of my ship to always sail to my direction.
Hope you understood the more essence of the post?
The jokes is a normal thing to me and the way am built, even something serious or annoying, at the first glance I modify it to be a joke, then laugh about it if then it gets serious, I become serious too.
I love this Blockchain. You made a day today. At least the YouTube video is quite funny.
Where are you commenting from brother?