
So do you get income even if no-one interacts with your threads? You've got to pay for premium to earn #inleo ad income haven't you?

The algorhythm varies from month to month as to what is required.
The only qualifying factor appears to be staking a minimum of 500 LEO and then meeting the algorhythm requirements each month, which are not published to prevent gaming.
The premium subscription triggers better votes from leo-voter, I understand. I don't know whether it also means better LeoAds income, I don't follow that closely.

You're so good at sorting this stuff out. I've even forgotten how bog standard Hive curation works.

Is there anywhere where you can see your ads income specifically?

Found the mention - also gives the spread which is quite interesting.
I believe I earned 17.72 LEO for doing very little, so seemed an idea to keep doing very little 😂

There is another official post, but I've no idea where that is.

Thanks for seeking out the info. Earning for doing very little does seem like a good idea although I find the environment to be a bit energy sapping myself.

I probably shouldn't say this here, but I don't spend much time in the einvironment. My LEO POWER is delegated to a curation trail; I pop into the LEO interface to publish posts that I would be publishing anyway and throw a few threads into the mix. I manage everything else from peakd which is much easier to use and I stay within my lane and the people that I've chosen to associate with.

I was airdropped LEO originally, I used it many times to create wealth or fund other things I wanted to do. The Leofinance community was never of any interest to me, it was tiny, inward-looking and ridiculous posts were getting disproportionate LEO rewards. It has never been high on my portfolio of investments plus, although I am only on the periphery, there seemed to be constant things-that-weren't-quite-right.

Within SPinvest, the LBI token has always seemed fractious. Several people have tried to invest time but it has never quite worked, except to generate lots of criticisms and brickbats and who needs those when you're volunteering to build something? I've divested from LBI and CUBLIFE, the LEO income token, closed a while ago due to diminishing returns from CUB (I don't understand any of that liquidity pools stuff and I'm not enticed by 400% returns, I swapped my airdropped CUB to CUBLIFE almost immediately).

I was receiving passive LEO income from LBI and CUBLIFE, the LEO price seemed very low and there was still the promise of LeoFinance doing something, so I delegated my LEO POWER and let it compound.

I won't use the DEX again - two big transactions got caught, one for two months, endless reasons for not getting it cleared.

I've mixed views about LeoAds income - I dislike ads and its a Web 2.0 approach - but given there appears to be some sort of control about what ads get shown, I'm prepared to see what happens.

However, what has interested me about LeoAds (a principle, rather than LeoAds itself) is the opportunity for evergreen rewards for good posts that attract 200 external views a month. That is a business opportunity for any bloggers here: that is about bringing an external audience to Hive and is potentially of value to every HIVE owner.

So I boosted myself to 15,000 LP, and I'm watching what happens with minimal effort on my part. At the moment, I'm working a lot of hours in my rent-paying job but I am interested in writing more and building an external audience. I'd probably go for the savings and financial literacy stuff that I do, because that's easy (for me) to grow an audience for in the outside world.

I have similar feelings to yours about the project in general. I don't even know how much LP I have without checking. As I've mentioned previously I dipped in and out of threads and like the idea of evergreen content but can't really get my head around how it all works. I also prefer the peakD interface by a very long way.

I don't understand the bit about bringing an exgernal audience to Hive. Will they be coming via threads in which case there first experience will be primarily one of crap content. Or does this work so that they come in via the inleo UI but are actually viewing the main Hive content?

Is the 200 views significant? Or is that just an illustrative number you used?

If you've got better things to do with your time than answer my questions about this stuff, I totally understand. Better to be gardening or creating something maybe. 😂