IDOs On Cubfinance Not Endorsed By Leofinance Team

There are a lot of people excited about the upcoming Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) being put out by Cubfinance. This makes sense because it is a huge step forward for the platform.

That said, I think it best that we explore what is the reason for the excitement and the potential pitfalls.

Certainly, there is the potential for some who get in early to make money. That is why IDOs exist. Project teams are looking to raise money and to get that, they have to put together a plan that will reward investors.

The way the IDO platform was designed by the Leofinance team is very beneficial for anyone who is holding CUB. For this reason, I can see why the excitement is running high.

It is the reason why I am thrilled to see the first one kicking off this week.


There is, however, something else going on that I fear is not as positive. Before getting into that, I must state, nothing I post here is a reflection on any single project. Instead, this is merely illustrating what is taking place.

With that out of the way, I wanted to delve into people's view of the ** themselves. There are a lot of people who are putting together monies to get involved. They got excited over the first one and are jumping in.

The challenge with this is do people know what they are getting into? Certainly, there are some very experienced DeFi farmers among us who are well schooled in what is taking place. This is not, in my opinion, the majority.

For this reason I think this needs to be said:

No IDO that is taking place on Cubfinance is endorsed by the Leofinance team. Read that again because it is very important.

Cubfinance is simply providing a service. The Leofinance team contracted with these project teams to brings their IDOs to the market. It is not their job to handle the due diligence of the project or look at the merits of profit potential.

Again, the platform is simply providing a service.

There is little doubt many of us trust the Leofinance team based upon their track record. Sadly, I think people are taking this and applying it to this (and future) IDO. This is a mistake.

It is up to each individual to look at this IDO and judge it for him or herself based upon the merits of what is being offered. I do not believe the Leofinance team is condoning this opportunity is any way.

That does not mean it is a bad project...or a good one. That is up to anyone interested to decide.

My point is do not mistake the fact for it being on Cubfinance as some sign that it is safer than anything else out there. The fact that Leofinance has our trust does not mean that extends to this, or any other, offering.

We each need to research the individual projects on our own and assess the risk we are willing to take. If one decides to get in, then it should be with his or her eyes wide open.


Think back to what happened to most of the ICOs from four years ago. Where are most of those projects today. There are a few we know very well like EOS and SingularityNet. However, most ended up in the waste bin. People basically lost everything they put into it.

That may or may not be the case with each IDO that rolls out on Cubfinance. The Leofinance team is not screening the opportunities for their potential.

Again, Cubfinance is just providing a service.

Even with this stated, I feel certain at some point some will lose money on a deal and claim that thought that because it was being done by Cubfinance that it was somehow a safer deal.

This is not the case.

It is not up to Khal nor the rest of the team to decide what is worthy for investment.

IDOs carry a great degree of risk. There are a lot of unknowns. Be sure you are aware of them before people money into it.

Certainly there is a lot of money that can be made. I hope each one is a stellar success and anyone who puts money in mints a fortune.

The key is to know what you are getting into.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Rule No 1 always applies: Do your own research!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if people don't feel sure of Cakepop better invest in CUB

Posted using Dapplr

If people don't feel sure of Cakepop, don't invest in it.

It is that simple.

If one decides to add CUB instead, I can't argue with that logic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed ! CUB is the go to crypto as $CAKE.

Out of context but is Dapplr live on iOS ? And if so is it better than Ecency ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don't know. I have an android. I think Ecency is better, but I got used to Dapplr.

Posted using Dapplr

I'm not 100% sure. For the base service, it should be how you describe it. But there might be different "levels" of the service. Plus, I'm pretty sure they endorse their own product, which is IDO #2.

But this had to be said. Just because something will be added to Cub Finance launchpad, won't make it automatically endorsed by Cub Finance or Khal or the team. It's the same with the base platforms for kingdoms actually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. We all have to assess the risk with Kingdom and enter what we feel comfortable with.

I am sure they are not signing up things they know to be scams but they are still offering a service to the project teams to utilize.

It is up to us to decide what we think about the individual projects for ourselves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am sure they are not signing up things they know to be scams but they are still offering a service to the project teams to utilize.

Yup, they chose these first kingdoms very carefully. But Khal was considering adding some risky but very rewarding (temporarily at least) kingdoms at some point, with proper disclaimers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the idea and see the potential in it it's going to be interesting how this first one plays out. For sure though I'd rather have more of a pool like system such as pancake has it seems lower risk, higher reward less restrictive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It could well be a major winner. I have no idea about the specific project.

I just wanted people to realize that simply because it is being offered by Cubfinance that does not mean it was vetted from a risk perspective by Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

oh totally could be a huge win for sure.

You are certainly right and it is a good reflection. You always have to take into account all the risks and be willing to assume the losses when making an investment. But I also have to say that Leofinance should be vigilant with the projects that it supports to avoid problems. Because we all understand that Amazon does not produce the products it sells, but if these products begin to be defective, no one will use Amazon no matter how much they change products. It is a question of image.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true and I am sure there was some type of checklist they went through. However, Ethereum was not slowed down whatsoever by the fact that 90% of the ICOs launched on that chain were worthless.

Yet people lost a fortune in some of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for clarifying this.

I wasn't going to partake in this first IDO anyway, the look of it put me off, but it's good to have a crystal clear reminder!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not here to put anyone off it, or on it.

That is up to each individual. People just need to be sure they are making the decision and not thinking that since it is on Cubfinance, that it is a approved by them.

Khal and others might get involved, they might not. I have no idea. However, we each are responsible for making our own choices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I made my decision when I saw the look of it, it looks 'amateur'.

I've said before that this would have to be 'very special' for me to part with any Cub, but having looked at it and read @edicted's write ups this definitely isn't it. Even he's reticent and he likes a gamble, but that's ALL it is as far as I can see, a gamble-token and with a high staking fee, and the reward-math doesn't add up.

It's disappointing, but at least it's one more thing I don't have to worry about.

I hope the Polygon offerings a bit more mature than this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said! I guess that old saying of invest what you can afford to lose rings more true.

The defi space for some is chasing higher APRs and risking a rug pull. I have seen that first hand. Unfortunately there are those who just ape because they trust the leofinance team.

Do your own due deligence people!

Posted using Dapplr

Do your own due deligence people!
Do your own due deligence people!
Do your own due deligence people!
Do your own due deligence people!
Do your own due deligence people!

In case someone didnt see it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I will sit the first one out and see how things go first. I see no point in rushing since we all know that CubFinance is the safest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am with you. That is one way to manage risk: no be involved.

There could be some who will make bank off this one. Hell it could be a tremendous project. I have no idea.

But we all have to decide where we want to focus our time and resources.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I am going to watch from the sidelines on this one and wait for the next one as learning what happens is also a good lesson to take on board. Nothing wrong with just earning CUB for now and let these IDO's burn some more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Earning CUB seems like one of the best ideas to me.

But then what do I know. We will see if the CUB pays off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Im just hanging out in the kingdom. I don't really see the long term success of project. I'm glad cub is providing the service but not exciting about this particular one. But I hope it's a success because it's the first one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like stacking my Cubbies but that is me. There will be many who make a lot off these IDOs and know how to operate with them. I am not one of those people.

For that reason, I will stick with what works. I will bet on the house which in this case is CUB.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

exactly. I managed to turn $1000 worth of Leo into about $200 worth of Cub when Cub started so I will wait it out in the kingdom.

I pretty much spent all my hive on Leo and cub so now I'm trying rescue my Hive lol. I'm always in the wrong currency. I think I just need to be a hodl guy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I pretty much spent all my hive on Leo and cub so now I'm trying rescue my Hive lol. I'm always in the wrong currency.

The game is far from over. That CUB will work out for you in my opinion. About to be a lot of buying pressure applied to it over the next few months. That is going to really change things.

Hive, Leo and Cub are all good holdings in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent point, so many talking about trusting CUB, because Khal is trustworthy, but as with anything, when you add more layers you add more risk.

Still, I've got a bit of gambling money.. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wise move. If you look at it as a lottery ticket, then roll the dice.

I hope it comes up a big winner for you.

You have your eyes open. I just hope that others do also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So many opportunities for investment right now, some play it safe and some are going for a big hit.

However, I think the process of winning some and losing some is mostly good for people. Wisdom has a price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are tremendous opportunities. People simply need to decide their risk level. It is up to each of them to then pursue what fits into their model.

At the end of the day, each person is responsible for the results he or she gets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some will ask what about the price?
But I know these new projects will not drive cub to 10$ instantly
Although I am not familiar with this project and this term so I have to read more about
But for me one thing matters "Continuous Progress"

Posted via

No this one IDO will not drive CUB to $10. It is one in a line of 3 right now with 4 more being negotiated.

Yes progress is what is important.

As for the IDO project, I havent looked at it so have no opinion either way on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wise words; it's easy to fall on that assumption. Always DYOR!

That is Investing 101.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. IDOs are as risky as ICOs. Not all of them would succeed. I would suggest everyone to do their own research before putting any serious money in any of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 71 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Important info... don't let any future bad eggs spoil CUB/LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks much any financial investment made by any user should be considered on their terms and research carried out you made your point clear.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very important thing to dissociate projects launched on CubDefi and the Leofinance team.

Nevertheless there should be some analysis from the leofinance team in order to stay away from obvious scams as it would hurt their brand image.

This is a powerful tool for the Leofinance community.

Could we see a new HIVE community launch through an IDO? It would be cool 👍 tbh

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's no replacement you can get for doing your won research. I like the simplicity of just having 1 Kingdom. There's CUB in it & it compounds. That's all there is for me in DeFi. I think I might dip into Polygon CUB. It'll be interesting to see how 2 similar products on 2 similar blockchains by same LEO team will do :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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