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RE: What is LeoBacked Investments? - @lbi-token

Yes. It is not a one and done situation. At any point in time, LEO can be sent to the LBI account and you will get LBI dropped into your HE account later in the day (it is done manually so it could take some time).

This will allow people to keep building their stake as funds become available. Some might want to start slowly, dipping their toe in, and then find the returns are great and buying some more.

Of course, when the dividends are paid out, some might opt to use them each week to buy more LBI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am more than happy with that and honestly will be reinvesting the rewards as it adds to the pace of the account growing. This type of thinking I am comfortable with as 10 years suite me fine right now. Wish I was younger but this is another part of the pension scheme on steroids.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Get rich slowly is the motto of SPInvest and it could equally apply to LBI.

These are long term concepts where returns grow over time. Of course, we are in crypto so it is possible for things to go crazy. SPI had outsized returns. In the first year, the token value (not price but value backed by assets) increased 80%. Not a bad one year return.

We still have about 4 months left in year 2 but SPI is likely to surpass that return by a wide margin.

We are already over a 4x return in 20 months. Try to find that in the bond market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All projects under SPinvest are long term, get rich projects :) It's our niche

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wait until you see what I write about SPI and LBI. I have to decide whether to make it one of my LEO posts or the SPI post for the week.

Since its only Tuesady, I have a could days to decide.

It is Tuesday isn't it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can't wait to read that post ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With the rate you write your posts, it does not even matter if its Wednesday :D:P LBI token is interesting. One of the many tentacles of the Leofinance ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are spreading. This is the first Leofinance project that is not being done by the Leofinance team. It is outside of the main ones who were driving LEO thus far.

That is how an ecosystem expands.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. Great point. We know the system is evolving when the responsibility is shared by the third party. The Leo future looks good so far.