Democracy - A flawed and failing form of Government

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If you think I am going to make a smirky essay about how "Democracy is the worst from of governance except for all others" you are dead wrong. I have seriously come to the conclusion that I dislike Democracy and I invite you to follow my thought process.

artwork by @friendlymoose

This post has been inspired by short convo I had with @manniman , sometimes shouting out "Democracy sucks!" and having the first person to answer be like "yeah I agree", really give you wings. I have met Manni the first time when I attacked @theycallmedan and he defended him. I like people who will just give their 2 cents even when not asked.

Why not democratize everything?

In Mathematics it can help to think of a certain law as valid and then see where the problems are. So let's say Democracy is the best way to govern everything, why is not every company governed by the people? And I don't mean just the workers I mean all people preferably the whole world! Well you would say industries are spezialized and not everyone has the knowledge to take part in the election. OK, so let's just have the workers of a specific industry govern the industry. This was actually tried and while it seems many people don't know that but this was the idea of Communism: To bring more democracy by transforming every workplace into a democracy that would then vote for the upper echelon of the industry making it a bottom-to-top democracy. We all know how badly this ended, but I have to admit I never really investigated how much this Democratization was pursued in Sowjet and other Communist countries.


I really like to refer to our representative Democracy as Parlamentarism since the democracy part is almost none-existent and the talking (french: parler) is very emphasized. I don't think I have to do too much work to convince you that deciding between two options every 4 years is not "ruling the country". To me it is just a show, Hollywood for ugly people, where you have big stars and an inner circle nobody but itself can stand. For the longest time I have thought that just increasing the direct voting on issues, which is much more possible since the internet, would make the world a better place. I do not think I am still convinced of that.

Herd Stupidity

Simple example: Imagine a group of ten. Six of them are heavy alcoholics, the other four don't drink alcohol. Now the group gets a budget of 100€, would it be really smart to let them decide by majority vote what to do with the money?

I think the best way to enable the individual to be part of decisions his state makes, is to make states much smaller, somewhere around city-size. Then you would not only have less noise to overcome to be heard, but also you would be able to migrate into another commune if you are not d'accord with the rules of your current one.

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And you call yourself a socialist when you know that the majority of people, from a mathematical point of view, are more stupid than the average? :)

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I am saying I used to be a socialist and still want some socialism because I think modern society can afford that.

I didn't really finish my point about Herd Stupidity it is dangerous territory, because in fact I believe the majority of people are stupid and therefore should not be the ones to govern a country.

This is a hard topic, we had some similar discussion 3 years ago on Steem. I would suggest a visit to a theoretical socialist country like Venezuela (not putting North Koreea)to see if yu would stick to your opinion. :)

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If you like democracy, you'd also like market-economy
more direct democracy than market-economy is impossible (in market-economy the action of the individual is KEY)


I, for me, don't want to decide about anything, about anyone or any state or whatever EXCEPT me, myself and my stuff.


@tipu curate

Didn't I just elaborate that I am not a big fan of democracy? Neither of the actual implementation nor the aspiration in theory.


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Sorry, wenn ich etwas schnippisch war. Passiert wenn ich in meiner Politik-Welt bin. Es ist schön dich mal in meinen Comments zu sehen. Ich kenne die Theorie der AnCaps dass ein absolut freier Markt = absolute Demokratie ist. Aber ich wolle mal in Frage stellen ob Demokratie wirklich so erstrebenswert ist.

Danke für den dicken Tip :)

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Demokratie war ne strategische Idee der Kommunisten ^^
vor allem weil es schön die eigentlichen westlichen Werte ersetzt
effektiv die Unwissenheit, Unaufgeklärtheit der Massen nutzt

aber das ist natürlich nuur meine Meinung ;>