Exploring Binance Convert the more convenient option than trading a crypto Pair

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Crypto is the asset class to be in. Well this seems the understatement of the decade!
So driven by the lure or shall I say the potential of a rosy and bright crypto future scores of people are driven to crypto.

The new people need a easy way to convert their crypto

When you are new to crypto you need some tool to help you getting started without too many frills or complications.
This is where Binance Convert comes in handy.
To use this tool you need to have a Binance Account.
If you do not have it already you can register here and get started.
Once logged in
Go to trade and click on convert


This gives you the option of converting one crypto to another.
All you have to do is pick the crypto that you have and want to convert it to another from the drop down list.


Next pick the crypto you want from the lower drop down list and click the convert button.

With only a few clicks you can convert your crypto with the minimal of fuss.

Thus it is a tool for you to use if you are in a hurry or do not want to deal with charts and the hassle of placing an order in the conventional way of trading.

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Normally one would be required to go to the trade section of the exchange account and pick the crypto pair you wanna trade.
Next specify the amount that you want to trade and the price that you want to trade at.

For some this can be daunting and a bit time consuming. The Binance Convert feature takes these steps out of the process and gives you a simple interface to carry out the conversion.

Is this a tool that can be used by anyone ?

yes as long you have a Binance account and your account is in good standing as per the exchange guidelines.

The advantage of using Binance convert

  • Easy to carry out the conversion
  • Quick method of conversion
  • Conversion can be done even if the particular liquidity pair is not present or lacks liquidity.

Any disadvantages of using Binance Convert

Since Binance Convert is focused on Easy of conversion and speed it gets full marks on that account.
However in case you want to carry out the trade at a particular price point then you can keep checking the tool for your desired price or better still place an order in the conventional exchange section of the Binance account.

To sum it up

Binance convert The nifty tool to convert your crypto.
Here the rates get updated periodically and it gives you the opportunity to convert your crypto with ease and with significant speed.


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Very cool, TIL!

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Would keep this in mind
Thanks :)