Stories of a Failed Trader (Part I): 3 mistakes to avoid // Historias de un trader fracasado (Parte 1): 3 errores a evitar

in LeoFinance3 years ago



Historias de un trader fracasado: 3 errores a evitar

Stories of a Failed Trader (Part I): 3 mistakes to avoid

Tras mi última publicación en la que dejaba la pregunta a la audiencia de por que no estaba teniendo éxito con mis publicaciones una de las respuestas más extensas y con mayor criterio me las ha dado @taskmaster4450. En ella me explicaba varios puntos de mejora sobre mis publicaciones y uno de ellos era dar mi propio punto de vista y experiencia.

Entonces me he puesto a darle vueltas que es lo que puedo aportar con mi experiencia a este mundillo de finanzas y de criptomonedas.

Como no me considero ningun experto ni con una intuición especial, creo que donde puedo ayudar más a la comunidad es en comentar mis mayores errores como trader, porque aunque nadie escarmienta en piel ajena , espero que sirva para que no cometáis los mismos errores que yo o al menos que os consoléis porque no estáis solos.

Además de esto considero que soy una persona bastante informada sobre todo este entorno. Soy asiduo de twitter y procuro estar al dia de toda la actualidad tanto de BTC como de las ALTs que tengo en mi porfolio.

After my last publication in which I left the question to the audience as to why I was not succeeding with my publications, one of the most extensive and judicious answers has been given to me by @taskmaster4450. In it, I explained several points of improvement about my publications and one of them was to give my own point of view and experience.

So I started to think about what I could contribute with my experience to this world of finance and cryptomoney.

As I don't consider myself an expert or with a special intuition, I think that where I can help the community the most is in commenting my biggest mistakes as a trader, because although nobody is scornful of other people's skin, I hope it will help you not to make the same mistakes I did, or at least to console you because you are not alone.

Besides this I consider myself to be a fairly informed person about this whole environment. I'm a regular twitterer and I try to keep up to date with all the news about BTC and the ALTs in my portfolio.


Introducción a las criptomonedas sin conocer el Bitcoin

Creo que fue uno de mis mayores errores, yo entré en este mundo de criptomonedas en el 2017, a finales, con una inversión en una sola criptomoneda de 1500$ en Iota. Tuve tan mala suerte, que en 2 semanas tenia 5000$, ahi pensé, esto esta tirado, me voy a forrar. Creo que fue un sentimiento que tuvo bastante gente.

En cualquier caso lo que no entendía, es que si el Bitcoin es algo volatil, muchísimo más lo son estos tokens, que no dependen directamente de su cotización con el dolar, si no que van siempre detrás de los movimientos del bitcoin. Lo que tenia que haber hecho (cambiar todo a BTC) no se hizo nunca, y mis 5000$ creo que acabaron siendo 100$.

Cualquiera que empiece a meterse en el mundo de criptomonedas debería entender bien al bitcoin, su comportamiento y volatilidad, y recomiendo a cualquiera que se vaya a meter en le trader de alts que tenga también muy presente el gráfico de BTC/ALTs para tomar decisiones compra o venta.

Introduction to cryptocurrency without bitcoin

I think it was one of my biggest mistakes, I entered this world of cryptocurrencies in 2017, in the end, with an investment in a single cryptocurrency of 1500$ in Iota. I was so unlucky that in two weeks I had $5,000. I think it was a feeling that had quite a few people.

In any case, what I didn't understand is that if Bitcoin is something volatile, much more so are these tokens, which don't depend directly on their price with the dollar, but always go after the movements of bitcoin. What I should have done (change everything to BTC) was never done, and my $5000 I think ended up being $100.

Anyone starting to get into the world of cryptocurrencies should understand bitcoin, its behaviour and volatility, and I recommend anyone who is going to get into the ALTS trader to also keep in mind the BTC/ALTs chart when making buy or sell decisions.


Comprar tokens sin liquidez

Bueno, es un vicio que me ha acompañado durante estos ultimos años de miseria en el mundo cripto. No puedo descartar aqui muchos tokens de steem, que luego ha sido hive, tales como SPACO, CCC, PAL, etc, en las que invertí cierta cantidad de dinero que considero ya perdido. Aunque debo decir que el proyecto STEEM/HIVE me ha dado mis alegrias también, pero eso lo contaré en otra publicación.

Meterse en un token que no tiene liquidez es una mala idea que te puede atraer con la promesa de grandes subidas, pero que también puede dejarte tirado muy facilmente con tokens que nadie quiere comprar.

Buying illiquid tokens

Well, it is a vice that has accompanied me during these last years of misery in the crypto world. I can't discard here many steem tokens, that later have been hive, such as SPACO, CCC, PAL, etc, in which I invested a certain amount of money that I consider already lost. Although I must say that the STEEM/HIVE project has given me my joys too, I will tell that in another publication.

Getting into a token that has no liquidity is a bad idea that can attract you with the promise of big raises, but that can also leave you thrown away very easily with tokens that nobody wants to buy.


Tradear con apalancamiento

Este es un error muy típico, sobretodo si lo haces con altcoins, que ahora es muy fácil. De esta manera es muy fácil apuntarse grandes pérdidas o incluso quedar liquidado. En esto he tenido bastante suerte porque las veces que lo he intentado me ha salido mal, y por eso no lo he vuelto a intentar ni he perdido mucho dinero en eso.

Trading with leaverage

This is a very typical error, especially if you do it with altcoins, which is now very easy. In this way, it is very easy to register great losses or even to be liquidated. In this, I have been quite lucky because the times I have tried it has gone wrong, and that's why I have not tried it again nor have I lost much money in that.


Y tu? Que errores has cometido?

And you? What mistakes have you made?




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In our trading beginners we don't understand the space, don't do our due diligence and think that if we read something about a cryptocurrency we know it all. Wrong! That and considering alongside the emotions which make us panic is the perfect ingredient to lose it all. We should not float with the others, but set specific targets and take the win when we see it.

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I think it is fundamental to have an objective method of success, which will have a probability of error as well, and which will be based on many indicators. From there comes the management of risk and emotions as you said, but you should always have a plan and stick to it.