Ramblings from a Catonic Mind... (My Strange Event Today)

in FreeSpeech4 years ago (edited)

Greetings, my fine fickle friends and associates of Cyberland ... how the who are y'all!?!?!?!?

I not sure what I'm going to write about tonight, or why, but I suspect it's because I just feel like verbally rambling a bit, and since none of you can hear me, I'll grace you with some tapping of the keyboard.

Okay... So what the hell does that picture above, I borrowed from Pixabay have to do with anything at the moment? Who the hell knows...??? It just kind of jumped off the screen at me, and became imbedded in my psyche; so I'm sharing it with you.

Something weird happened today.

While fiddling around with something in my kitchen this morning, it occurred to me that the water filter in my pitcher was probably due to be replaced soon. For some reason, another thought popped into my string of daydreaming... It was about a case of commercially bottled water I found laying on the grass in front of my house about a year ago.

Wandering out one evening to the front porch, I spotted a whole, 24 count case of water idly propped up upon the weedy lawn outside my home, under the Maple tree.

After staring at it for a few minutes, scratching my mangled mane, I decided to investigate further; so I did

The poor thing appeared as if it had been dropped, because a couple of the bottles lay askew, partially dislodged from the shrink-wrapped surround and typical cardboard base. One of the bottles had sprung a small, slow leak.

Being the good, conscientious Samaritan that I am...my arms grasped the wet mangled mess and I placed it near the steps of my porch. My thought was, that someone might return for it.

Various scenarios danced in my head as to how and why that thing got to where it was.

I envisioned a slightly inebriated or drugged out citizen, lumbering along carrying the case of drinking water, then staggering, stumbling and falling onto my neglected patch of earth.

Of course I saw them eventually struggle to their feet in a drunken fit of rage, slobbering a varied string of profanities (I've witnessed similar occurrences in the past)

The drunk, in his anger, cursed the fallen hoard and with fiery eyes decided to abandon the messy chore.

He'd sober up in due time, remember his plight and backtrack steps in an effort to find and recover his loss.

I had other scenes play out in my head too, but they're all just as crazy and I don't want to take too much time away from your exceedingly, valuable, busy life.


While thinking about that surprised bounty of booty I eventually made use of a year ago, I was reminded of needing to head to the market for cat food; less my forlorn feline visitors might cause me guilt upon seeing their wide-eyed stare of disappointment finding an empty bowl.


Once I got my stuff together, I ambled out the door and low-and-behold… there on my front porch, was a case of purified bottled water...?!?!?!?!?!

This time, it was neatly placed there with apparent intent.

SYNCRONICITY…??? I know so, but still have not made the connection to it in my mind.

Maybe, there's no need to make the connection or understand how and why these seemingly strange things happen sometimes? Maybe they're not strange at all?? Maybe, we simply create things from our thoughts all the time, but have not mastered control over such ability???

I don't know...but, I try to leave my mind open to ALL possibilities.

I've gotta go now. I'm going to try and create a large stash of cash on the desk in front of me... Hey, if I can create bottled water with my mind...why not some moola…?!?!?!?

You all have a mysterious and pleasant day, my friends... Stay well.



Founder- Free Speech Community


Images: Compliments Pixabay.com and my Camera

Synchronicity is a much misunderstood dynamic in the world... The older I get, the more I take notice of, and influenced by, it..

Yes...it certainly is a real phenomena. Some refer to it as mere coincidence making lite of it, unfortunately for them

Keeping the events in mind may lead to better understanding as to what the message is. I have things happen to me similar to this in stages which last various amounts of time.

Good to have your input.

Hope the pile of cash appears on desk👍

So far...only a dollar appeared. I think it was put there by my cat as a joke!!!

Lol smart cat👍

I experience the same thing from time time. Must be a cat-person phenomenon

Hello @nikv, my cat caring cyber friend...

I suspect your suspicion has substance :>) cat-people are a special breed of humanoids.