The most rewarding of all deep dives....Knowing yourself , and embracing change.

in FreeSpeech3 years ago

Over this last year or three, I've posted many 'psychological', or 'philosophical' type posts.

It hasn't been a one way journey.
The more I study these subjects in depth, the more is it that I learn about myself in the process.

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The beginnings...

....For want of a better term , in regards to my first serious studies into the 'deeper things' in life.

Psychological pain.

That was my motivator - understanding the psychological pain that I'd been suffering (unconsciously) for decades.
It came to a head when my brother fucked me over.
The details of that are not important, although I have touched on them a few times over the years.

The point being, I knew deep inside me, that unless I found some answers that made some kinda sense, the pain would continue.
And so I educated myself....Or at least started to shall we say.

And what a fantastic journey it's been!

Just to put this in some kind if context, let me give you the briefest, and most perfunctory timeline of events, that led me to the beginnings of this journey.
(the first three and half decades of my life are stories of the symptoms of the psychological turmoil , not the signposts that led me to the beginning of the journey).

After meeting my soulmate (a very real perception at the time), and then splitting up with her four years later, I was , unsurprisingly, in a severely shit place (mentally and emotionally speaking).

The culmination of that internal emotional wasteland that I was inhabiting at the time, was a bad motorbike accident.
Very bad.
...It was all self induced through alcohol and narcotics.(doh!)
The accident resulted in me returning home to the UK.(otherwise I would have had my leg amputated).

I stayed with my parents for the first few months when I returned , prone and laid up in bed.
I was still an emotional wasteland.
I also found out that my Dad had cancer (among other things).

During the next four years, I cooked every day for them (my mum was in a wheelchair and unable to do very much), and looked after their other affairs in general .
During this time, I was still an emotional wasteland.

My dad was the only member of my family that I really loved - and him, me.
We were very close.
When my Dad died, I felt a great sense of release.
He was the only reason that I ever had any connection with the rest of my family, you see...
With him no longer here, I no longer had a reason to be connected to a group of psychopaths, sociopaths, and low IQ, insecure, narcissists.
He already knew these things about me concerning the rest of the shower I call 'family'.
Before he died we'd talked about it in some length.

So... with the deep, deep, sadness of my Dad dying, and the only person in my life that I knew loved me unconditionally - gone - there was also a 'freedom'.

He was the wisest man that I've ever had the pleasure - and the privilege - of knowing.

I had no secrets from him.
I never had a need to. dad had died.... my emotionally blitzed wasteland was still fully intact... and then my bro' fucked me over.

Yeah, I think it's fair to say that this 'perfect storm' of events might have resulted in me having to face up to my psychological pain - or go totally nuts.

After very skillfully avoiding it for a while by partying hard, taking copious amounts of narcotics, and sleeping with as many hookers a I could get my hands on (my unconscious 'go to' psychological pain coping mechanisms).... I was - quite literally...physically, spiritually, and emotionally... exhausted.

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Then I met Luce.

One of the softest - and toughest - people, that I've ever met.
She wasn't averse to partying hard, but her motivations were very different than mine.
She was there for me, unequivocally, during this time.
But she took no prisoners when it came to me being weak.

SHE made me man up - to myself.
And boy, did I do a fucking good job of that , even if I do say so myself.

I started reading.
And reading.
And reading.
I knew this was a 'make or beak time' for me in my life.

........faaaaaaaaaast forward seven years, to today !

Everything is hunky - fucking - dory.

The partying is a now distant memory (I don't even drink nowadays, although the newly harvested tomatoes from our garden are shouting to me 'make me into wine!').

I have no need to forget anything nowadays. The pain has dissipated.
No fanfare, no waking up with a moment clarity...just...dissipated...

I have no regrets.

How could I?
Everything that's been my fantastic, brilliant, eventful roller coaster of a journey, called my life - Has led to me to this point right now, typing this post.

How is it even possible for me to to have any regrets?

I've gone through my own shit, by myself, and now I know myself to a greater degree than ever before (that's how I do things - by myself).
Luce has never wavered. She was great in telling me to 'stop wallowing in my own bullshit' - She's very good like that!

So.... that's the briefest of a synopsis that I could manage, which brings me to here...
It's helpful to know who it is that you're dealing with.
It can save a lot of time going forwards.

This post isn't some emotional need to unload or to even share my experiences.

This post is a marker.

New experience.

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Or rather.... @newexperience.

I'd given this account to a friend of mine who'd thought that he might want to write about his life (and a very colorful life it is, to).
He only wrote the one post, and then life took him down a different path - one that didn't include sharing his experiences online.

I've always had the keys, (he wan't interested in that side of things) - and he definitely won't be using it again, so I've taken it back to use for myself.
He called himself 'The Irishman'.
He was Irish after all!

I'll keep the name.
I have some Irish heritage, and being the natural rebel that I am, it kinda fits.
(my first trip to Ireland saw me -the 'English proddy bastard'- telling them, my drinking buddies, to get off their arses and 'kick the brits' out of northern Ireland! lolol).
So yeah...I'll keep the name.
Ireland is my spiritual home, a country that I have an affinity with like no other place on earth.
My very physical affinity however , is with hot weather and constant sunshine, and it outweighs any spiritual callings that I might be missing out on.

'The Irishman' , it is...

I opened a MeWe account earlier today.
Did you know....

...According to the company, more than 1 million users have signed up in the past 72 hours, and more are being added at a rate of 20 per hour...

....this was dated from January 12th.

MeWe is also four years old...Just saying.

...Which brings me to the point of this post .... (it's not the self indulgent 'poor me' twaddle).
I was laying the foundations of things to come...
I was 'laying out my stall', as it were.

THIS is my page on Mewe.
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THIS is my private home group (by invitation only)

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THIS is my email to the use in conjunction with MeWe.
[email protected]

I was gonna go more into of the why's behind all of this, but this post has probably go on for too long as it is.

The reasons behind me posting this ( philosophically, and practically, speaking) , will become clear.

....if you're interested in my 'Hornets don't bend the knee' group on MeWe, and like the idea of change and want to be part of something new - follow me over there on hive...(The MeWe is only by request, and via the email - there's reason for that, which will become clear as time goes on).

*you can sign up to Mewe with just an email addy, btw.

the @newexperience ...The Irishman, will only be used for things pertaining to 'the MeWe subjects'.
(I still have to navigate myself around that place).

All my other incessant warbling's will be on here still...


Getting hard to keep up with people, not sure I will join another Social Media site, but I'll still follow along over here. It is through adversity that most growth seems to happen.

No need to join, mate.
It's concerning organizing - and that cannot be done here, for obvious reasons.

I will turn Alinsky strategies into a free market capitalist movement! Oligarchies and free markets do not exist - just the illusion of it, which is then propagandized by 'the haves' to utilize the labor of the 'have -nots'.
'The itch' I've had for this last 4 years has not only been scratched and located - it's time to see if the cause of it can be addressed.

I think it can, with enough support.
Better to fix it now if possible - the ecosystem as it is right now, is smaller than Luxembourg - a principality. (if the internet was the globe).

It' ll be interesting to see who attacks me.
My logic is sound.
People's true ( hidden) motivation's are often not - i.e greed and avarice clothed in virtue.
Lets get naked, uh? lolol

The problem of breaking the cycle of - "Do as your told" is people still, for God only knows why, still supporting those sites. Their internet mommy and daddy.

I use one of them to sometimes listen to music, maybe once a week I'll watch someones YT video, but not very often at all. My music listening is moving away from them, and it has been years since I logged into FB. The twitter posh is just supporting the problem.

I hope the new site you have found works out from an organizing point. There are problems with Hive yes, and all groups organizations can and have been infiltrated by people who want to, or get paid to, cause discord. Remember that when you try to organize.

I would take it as we're having an effect with any kind of infiltration...
I'm certainly hoping so - it's calculated into my strategy !

i have two mewe accounts, one fake name, one real, but ive never actually used either

here is one of them

so you mangled yourself up a bit too?

we could almost start a club - limpy ex motorcyclists on hive...


It took me a whole year to get my knee bending after a crash an a two wheeler ... did i do that for shit ???
And welcome to the club ;-)