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RE: Common-Sense Lighter Control

in FreeSpeech4 years ago

Pyrotechnics , .... so the Sun is a terrorist cell now ,.. all glasses are illegal anarchist devices . Go wear contact's .The atmosphere is gonna be sprayed to block out the Sun . for public safety .
Sounds great , we will be so SAVE ,... frozen and preserved ;-)


If it saves even one life...

I have seen people make fire with there bare hands and some sticks ,.... the horror !!!
So at birth all thumps and index fingers must be removed for our common public safety .
It might even better to remove all humans from the Earth so no human can loose his life by it's own stupidity , or harm others .
As i suspect some disorder from this rules i recommend some brutal governmental force form a high tech automated robotics organization , call it SkyNet or something ..... ;-)