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RE: What bugs me? Bugs!

Damn beautiful property man! Makes me miss my grandfathers house in central Vermont, he had decent piece of land like that!

Ah those damn bugs, I fully support these bug zappers! I haven't had one since I was a kid but holy shit they are satisfying hearing those damn things going zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ on some crazy shit lol then you occasionally go out to check what creature of hell it just annihilated.

One of the things that I did that did a substantially good job of keeping some bugs away for us, where we normally got a lot, is plant some herbs! We had basil, parsley and sage growing on the deck and the strong smell of them kept bugs away which was great! The years before the deck was unbearable with the damn bugs but not last year! Plus we got to enjoy some nice fresh herbs which was a bonus.

The spiders must love being near those zappers, free food!


I see you said kinda the same as me planting some herbs…
That does help. And is great for the use in cooking or salads.