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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

It's always a good day when things come together, even if the day itself, the process of it, has been difficult. Reward for effort always feels much better than being rewarded for none at all. I'm glad you were able to bring it all together and that the result was so good; Clearly it was memorable as it was twenty years ago and you still value the emotion of it. Nice work.



Yes definitely, that day stayed in my memory, as a good day.

I'm going to search through my memories to see if I can get a bad day, to complete the weekend commitment. 😂🤣 @galenkp

Well, life is a balance of good and bad so if you can think of something then go a head. In truth, I wouldn't believe a person if they said they'd never had a bad day...It's simply not possible to live life without. Bad things happen. We break bones, lose things, act and react badly, lose friends and loved ones, have health complications...All bad things generally. I think a person would be lying if they said they'd never have a bad day.

I also think we need bad days, days that are not ideally suited to our need and requirements as it helps us find the impetus to strive for better, to dig deeper and of course to provide additional motivation to the celebrations of the good days.

Just my opinion.

That's right, of course. And without falling into the baddest days that anyone can have like the loss of a loved one. And boy, I've had two very hard and difficult experiences because I've seen two of those loved ones die.

I have remembered a day that lasted more than a day, two years ago one of the main teeth of my upper jaw was broken. One of those big ones that we all have in front of us, well it simply overflowed, that was a very bad day, because it was a hard blow to my personal image, 20 years fell on me and it was something that needed 3 different dentists and 10 arrangements in a span of a year and a lot of money.

Until finally, I found the most expensive dentist but the one who solved the problem, so that day lasted for a year. 😂🤣😭😭😭🤣😂😬

Bad tooth days are never pleasant and I think can easily qualify simply as bad days. 😀