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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

Hola luego de leer esta iniciativa de fin de semana y leer la mayoria de los comentarios. Busque en mi memoria los momentos en que pense senti y cree un buen dia o mal dia. En realidad todos los dias son buenos porque los vivimos y son una nueva oportunidad para crear e ir tras los sueños. Particularmente, he viajado, he ayudado a otros, amo mi profesión y disfruto de cada cosa que hago.... Y al elegir un buen dia me fue por aquel dia donde me senti atendida, complacida, aminada, orgullosa, satisfecha, donde se vincularon muchas emociones y buenos deseos... Ese dia fue mi cumple número 46 el 20/12 ese dia. Inicio como un dia, normal, recibí llamadas y mensajes de mis familiares,amigos estudiantes y senti que formaba parte de algo muy importante y ese era mi dia especial. Mi hija hizo la torta de chocolate que me gusta, y yo hornee un pan de jamón, hicimos una fiesta para tres solo mi mamá, mi hija y yo. Por la situacion de salud mundial no invite a nadie a casa, y mis hermanos emigraron por la situacion país, asi que solo somos tres. Pero disfrute una mesa de abundancia, descorche el licor que me gusta, comi chocolate delicioso y como si fuera poco es navidad y la alegria se siente el doble, pasamos por momentos muy complicados en Venezuela, pero me vestí de Santa, baile y cante, agradezco cada momento por mi madre que en sUs 83 años es muy activa y sana, mi hija de 21 años que cada dia expande sus alas... Y de mi vida para crear mis dias felices y de los no tan felices que aveces pasan mucho por la escasez y la inflación... Tenemos la oportunidad de cambiar la forma de verlos y encontrar en ellos aprendizajes. Todo es depende de la óptica en que se ve. Gracias por estos espacios de compartir... Les dejo un college de mi cumple y los dias felices que paso con mi mama y mi hija.


Hi @jennynas, thanks for coming by the #weekend_engagement post and for joining in. Google translate doesn't do a good job of translating Spanish to English but I think I got the concept or essence of your comment.

Every day we wake up should be deemed a good one, although literally no one will get through life without bad days. Sure, it's all a matter of perspective of course, but bad days happen, bad things happen, it's unavoidable. I'm not one to seek out bad things or to dwell overly long on the bad things in life but I'm certainly not the type to see everything as good. Every day is not good, a simple fact.

Last year my dad died. Three days earlier my cat of 22 years died and I was heart broken. Three months later my mother in law was diagnosed with her second cancer which will end her life...There's been plenty of bad days in my life, these are just a few. Sure, I'm not dead, my wife isn't either...But bad days happen nonetheless, and there's little point in hiding from them in my opinion. We just need to work through them, the bad days and events, and see them for what they are. It helps us appreciate the good days I think.

You know, last week I found out one of my good friends has pancreatic cancer...He is going to die within a few weeks or so...His perspective on it is a little different than some may have considering his background but he's not filling his last weeks with bad days or bad thoughts despite the situation being bad. Of course he's struggling and refuses to see anyone other than now. I guess I don't blame him. So, There's more bad days to come.

Anyway, enough on that huh? Let's just say that bad happens and so does good and there's no point ignoring either.

Thank you for sharing your image-collage showing your birthday and a little about your life. It's been a funny year in that we were mostly isolated. I turned 50 years old in March and was supposed to fly to Tasmania for a holiday with my wife...Didn't happen obviously. We were also supposed to fly to Scandinavia in July which also didn't happen...So, small celebrations is all we were able to have and I guess we needed to make the best out of a bad situation right? It looks like that's what the three of you did and I see smiles all round so that's a good thing.

I know your country has troubles, @hlezama keeps me informed and I engage with many Venezuelan's on Hive - I wouldn't say I know all about it, but I get the gist of it. It's probably very easy to lapse into thoughts of all the bad but it's also nice to think about the good, to make the most of the situation.

Anyway, sorry, this is a long comment. Thanks for coming by.


Es interesante lo que comentas y si los dias mas los estan relacionados en su mayoría con perdidas, duelos, abandono, algo que no salio bien, de esos dias solo quedan recuerdos y de alguna forma se revive el sentimiento. De lo malo no tenemos fotos, no las tomamos, porque es terribles quedarnos enganchados alli, en mi pais hay muchas cosas que no quisira ver que me dan impotencia y dolor, me deprimen y puedo pasar un dia sumida en ese pensamiento de angustia. Pero hay que superarlo la vida es una y ha que vivirla al maximo. Gracias por tu comentario y pues feliz de compartir contigo desde tan lejos conocer tus aventuras y de desventuras.

Dwelling on the bad isn't healthy, neither is ignoring it...To move forward we must know our current position and where we want to go. Understanding the bad things and why they happen can assist us in that.

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