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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Yes! Another weekend engagement is here. So I have many days that are my best days (I don't even want to think of or remember those not-so-good and unpleasant days).

My graduation day from my professional school was a memorable day and one of my best.


This professional one year course was a prerequisite after I completed my university undergraduate course and getting in was quite tough. My parents had sacrificed a lot to ensure I get in, so I was excited when my admission came through. I put in my best efforts, wrote the final exams and waited for the longest two weeks of my life! 😂

Like a day before the results were to be released online, one of my professors called my dad to say I was the best in two of the courses I undertook then. My dad was filled with pride and that made me happy. Happy because I did not let my parents down and made their sacrifice worth it. I was awarded prizes for the two courses before the whole school. It was thrilling and an honour.

My family went all out to celebrate my graduation. We had a party and it was super fun. I was filled with joy and that day counted as one of my best days! 😊

Okay... Just reading some comments now and realised most talked about their day in the week. I just picked a day, some time ago in life and wrote about it. I hope that is okay? Basically I had an okay week... Nothing bad about it 🤷‍♀️.


Hey there, thanks for dropping in.

This is a great day to talk about as one of your best. The effort required to undertake your studies and complete them at such a high level was obviously difficult and it was a perfect way to repay your parents sacrifices to finish as one of the top students in the course. Nice work!

It's also good to celebrate success like that to mark the occasion...It puts a full stop behind the effort and allows one to take stock, pat oneself on the back and acknowledge the effort.

This is a very fitting thing to put forward on this week's topic and I appreciate you taking the time.


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