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RE: [WE104] Weekend-Engagement concept (TWO YEARS OLD)

Two songs or pieces of music
Name two songs or pieces of music that have meant a great deal to you, defined moments in your life, made you feel great happiness or great sorrow when you hear them or take you back to a special moment. Explain why in each case. You can link the YouTube videos if you like.

Aha, it is seen that this time you threw a good hook with an excellent bait to tempt me to elucubrate something didactic & entertaining to share in THE WEEKEND community to celebrate its second anniversary eh? Uhm, but unfortunately I think I already shared something entertaining enough about this specific topic in your community about five months ago for the Week 84. And in fact, I wouldn't want to look so redundant and tiresome in this matter. Hahahaha

However, I will do my best in these next three days, so that this second anniversary of your prestigious community don't gonna miss of some unexpected contribution and curious amusing story of this old Cranky Gandalf. ¿Two animals you say? ...Uhm, well, it doesn't seem like a very difficult topic for me to choose and try to doodle something of interest. Especially if they can be anything, I don't need to be sensible or serious about it and the funnier and more outrageous the better.

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Time will tell huh?

Time moves at the same rate for all of us so it's more about what we do with it I guess, how we make it count.