Happy weekend. The silence of the forest. Mushrooms, deer, dominoes and wine for 5 cents. ~•♥️•~ Щасливі вихідні. Мовчання лісу. Гриби, олені, доміно та вино за 5 центів.

Today turned out to be a very good day. My husband and I have a day off today. Tomorrow, Sunday, we also had to have a day off, but we signed up for a voluntary shift tomorrow. The work shift will be from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm. In order to arrive at work on time, we have to wake up at 3:00 am, and at 4:00 am to leave the house. We like such voluntary changes, and they pay more for them than for a regular change. In general, we really like our work, although a little difficult. And while Saturday is still going on and we are enjoying this wonderful weekend.

Сьогодні видався дуже добрий день. Я та мій чоловік маємо сьогодні вихідний день. Завтра у неділю у нас теж мав бути вихідний день, але ми записалися на завтра на добровільну зміну. Робоча зміна буде од 6:00 ранку до 14:00. Для того, щоб вчасно приїхати на роботу, ми маємо прокинутися о 3:00 годині ночі, а в 4:00 ранку вже виїхати з будинку. Такі добровільні зміни нам подобаються, та й платять за них більше, ніж за звичайну зміну. Взагалі нам наша робота дуже подобається, хоч і трохи тяжко. А поки ще триває субота і ми насолоджуємося цим чудовим вихідним.



In the morning there was an unpleasant light rain on the street. But still we decided to go pick mushrooms. The forest, where we collect mushrooms for the second year in a row, is located 80 km from our house. We collect only Mushroom mushrooms and no others. Mushrooms Buttercups are those mushrooms that have an oily sticky coating on the hat. I have known these mushrooms since childhood. For me, they are the most delicious.

Зранку на вулиці був неприємний дрібний дощ. Але все-таки ми наважились поїхати збирати гриби. Ліс, де ми другий рік поспіль збираємо гриби, знаходиться за 80 км від нашого будинку. Збираємо ми твльки гриби Маслюки і ніякі інші. Гриби Маслюки це ті гриби, які мають маслянисте липке покриття капелюха. Я ці гриби знаю ще з дитинства. Для мене вони найсмачніші.


Our forest is a mixture of young forest and large old pines. We collect buttercups in a young forest. They are not here in the old forest. And it was not. In the old forest we collect only forest blackberries. Blackberries are of different varieties. The first berries can be harvested in late summer. Soon it will be possible to collect later varieties of berries.

Наш ліс це суміш молодого лісу та великих старих сосен. Ми збираємо Маслюки в молодому лісі. В старому лісі їх тут нема. І не було. В старому лісі ми збираємо лише лісну ожину. Ожина тут різних сортів. Перші ягоди можна збирати вже з кінця літа. Скоро можна буде збирати вже більш пізні сорти ягід.



I really like to ride in this forest. These trips can be at different times of the year. Today was the best option. Rain, autumn forest, mushroom aroma and forest silence. I was happy to walk first around the forest, and then climbed into the middle. What a beauty there was !!!! Inside the forest under the young trees there is a real forest life.

Я дуже сильно люблю їздити в цей ліс. Ці поїздки можуть бути в різні пори року. Сьогодні був кращий варіант. Дощ, осінній ліс, аромат грибів та лісова тиша. Я з задоволенням пройшла спочатку навколо лісу, а потім вже залізла в середину. Яка там була краса!!!! Всередині лісу під молодими ялинками існує справжнє лісове життя.



We picked some of our mushrooms. Then it rained. Sometimes the sun looked. But the day was still cold, only 13 degrees warm. But we dressed warmly. Autumn has finally come. New Year is coming soon. I love autumn very much. I like yellow November and autumn rains.

Ми назбирали трохи наших грибів. Потім пройшов дощ. Іноді виглядало сонечко. Але день все-таки був холодний, всього 13 градусів тепла. Але ми тепло вдягнулися. Нарешті прийшла осінь. Незабаром Новий рік. Я дуже сильно люблю осінь. Мені подобається жовтий листопад та осінні дощі.


When we crossed to another forest, we saw deer. There were a lot of them. Unfortunately, I only had my phone with me, so the photos of the deer were not very high quality. In general, seeing deer in Slovakia is a common thing. You can go to work, and deer will walk along the track. There are also many hares, pheasants and beavers. There are a lot of hares on the territory of our production. When we go to the shop, they sit along the road and are not afraid of anyone.

Коли ми переходили до іншого лісу, то побачили оленів. Їз було дуже багато. Нажаль, я при собі мала лише мій телефон, тому фотографії оленів вийшои не дуже якісні. Взагалі побачити оленів у Словакії це звичайна річ. Ви може їхати на роботу, а олені будуть гуляти вздовж траси. Так само багато зайців, фазанів та бобрів. На території нашого виробництва дуже багато зайців. Коли ми йдемо до цеху, то вони сидять вздовж дороги та нікого не бояться.



Silence in the forest. The forest was so quiet that I could feel my breath. The forest has its own forest life. We are only guests. We come, collect the gifts of the forest and go away. You can never leave garbage in the forest. The forest is someone's home.

Тиша в лісі. В лісі настільки тихо, що я відчувала своє дихання. В лісі є своє лісове життя. Ми иам лише гості. Ми приходимо, збираємо подарунки лісу і їдемо геть. В лісі ніколи не можна залишати сміття. Ліс це чиясь домівка.


On the way home, they stopped at the Slovnafta gas station. We are regular customers here and have special bonuses. Today we took away a bottle of red dry wine of 2018 due to our bonuses. We paid only 5 cents. Fried wild mushrooms and red dry wine. Here is a romantic dinner.

По дорозі додому ми заїхали на автозаправну станцію Slovnafta. Ми тут постійні клієнти і маємо спеціальні бонуси. Сьогодні ми за рахунок наших бонусів забрали пляшку червоного сухого вина 2018 року. Ми доплатили лише 5 центів. Смажені лісові гриби та червоне сухе вино. От і романтична вечеря.


Domino. We recently discovered an interesting game - dominoes. No one in our family knows all the rules. But it is very fun and interesting for us to spend our time playing this game. We gather at the table and start the game. I usually lose.

Доміно. Нещодавно ми відкрили для себе цікаву гру - доміно. В нашій сім'ї ніхто повністю не знає всіх правил. Але нам дуже весело та цікаво проводити свій час за цією грою. Ми збираємося за столом та починаємо гру. Зазвичай програю я.



Saturday is coming to an end. You need to rest a bit, because you need to wake up early in the morning. Tomorrow we will have another half day. We have decided what we will do. But, I think we'll come up with something interesting.

Субота доходить кінця. Треба трохи вже відпочити, бо зранку треба рано прокидатися. Завтра ми будемо мати ще пів дня. Ми щн ге вирішили, зо ми будемо робити. Але, я гадаю, що ми вигадаємо щось цікаве.


Thanks to my friend @galenkp for a great initiative. I wish you a good mood and comfort in your hearts. I wish you a good weekend.

Дякую моєму другу @galenkp за чудову ініціативу. Бажаю вам гарного настрою і затишку у ваших серцях. Бажаю вам найкращих вихідних.



You live in a very beautiful place. I can't imagine getting wine bonuses at the gas station; sounds like heaven! :)

ha ha ha!))) wine bonuses are cool!))) it's such a system. You can get a loyalty card or a loyalty card at a gas station. After that, every time we refuel the car on this card, we receive bonuses. When there are enough bonuses, they can be exchanged for a bottle of wine or other products at a car gas station. !)))

Beautiful images. So great to have forests like that, that provide a nice scenery, wild fruits, and an interesting variety of mushrooms.
Do people hunt and eat those deers?
Interesting that you just discovered the Domino game. In Venezuela is one of the most played traditional games. People organize championships here and those who play it well are very respected. The game looks somple but it's hard to play well (guessing everybody else's pieces and anticipating plays).

Hello!)) You can't hunt these deer and other animals!) They just walk through the fields and along the roads!))) Sometimes it's fashionable to see large herds!)))

We knew about the game of dominoes before!) We just never played it!) Now every day we play several games with our family!) It's fun!)))

Oh, great. That's good that these animals are protected.
Glad you enjoy domino. It's good in family and without the pressure of competition or money involved

It's nice to pick up an extra shift here or there. We call it overtime here and dependinon the industry and day it can pay time and a half, double time and even triple time...Good money. I used to try and pick up some extra shifts back when I worked on the auto plant but these days I'm on salary so it's the same no matter what hours I work.

Anyway, I hope your shift goes by quickly and you can get back to weekending!

P.s. Nice work on the 5 cent wine! :)

Yes, this is an overtime day!)) Today it went really easily and quickly!)) It's good that there are such shifts. This means that the production has orders. In the current situation with coronavirus, this is good. And now it's time to sleep!))) The morning shift starts tomorrow, you need to sleep well!)) I wish you a great day and good mood!))

Hey, I'm wondering what job function you have at the auto plant? Just curious.

I make the front and rear runners. I collect them and twist together. Then I collect and twist the brake disc, the brake collar shock absorber together. All this goes to another line. There other operators put it all in the car!))

Ah ok, a sub assembly line off the mainline. When I first started I was on the mainline where the engine, gearbox diff and axles went up into the car. Fourteen years later I was a manager, then left. I learned a lot when I was there and the pay was ok too. Now, there's no vehicle manufacturing in my country at all.

I have been working for two years now and I am also going to go for a promotion. In my case, this will be the next step - a monitor (this is like a foreman, the person who controls the line). The line of engines is also an auxiliary line for us, it is not the main one. First, the operators assemble the engine, and then it is delivered to the main line!))

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yep, same as it was here. Engine line, cockpit, gear box etc were all separate sub-assembly lines off the main. I think most manufacturers do it the same.

Good luck for the promotion, I hope it works out.

Looks like a wonderful visit to the forest. It's been since early summer since I've been in a forest and your post made me realize how much I miss it.

That's a pretty good price for the wine to enjoy with your mushrooms. A good Saturday indeed.

Hello!))) Thank you very much for your visit!)) I'm glad you liked it!)) When you have free time, be sure to take a walk in the forest! These walks are energizing. I love the autumn forest. I wish you a great mood!)))

Woods are just a little hard to come by right here :) I walk in the desert every day (with my goofy dog) but have a hike/bird watching walk planned for early October in the Laguna Mountains of Southern California. With a friend for over 60 years that is an avid bird watcher. It's a really pleasant place. I'm looking forward to it.

I would like to visit the desert at least once in my life. I saw the desert only on TV and in photos!))) I hope I will be able to visit the deserts of California someday!)) Now this is one of my dreams!)

It's different for sure. A lot of people don't see it like I do.

You will want to come here to really see the desert. Nearby in California is pure sand and moving dunes. Here, there is mixed vegetation and hard rock desert. All three main types of desert in a fairly small area.