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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

It was have been very terrible for you, having to miss out on the most important and memorable event you had wished and dreamed of. You finally got the opportunity to be there through the ticket you won but then there wasn't enough fund to back you up. So sad!
I see you much be filrty rich now for you to wish to travel back in time and give the needed money to your old self lol.
Though it was a bad day and year for you, I am glad the story is different now.


Thank you. I am still far from being rich. the term ,,less broke'' might be more accurate. The sum that I would have needed back then would still bite me even today. But at least now I could afford to go to that steemfest- it was really close and I had a ticket.

Oh, I understand where you are coming from. Anyway the deed had been done already. Just be grateful for all situations, either good or bad