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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Funny enough I also had a disturbing Thursday lol. Actually a hectic Thursday rather. It wasn't really a bad day except for the fact that my initial plans were ruined.
It does look like you really had a nice and enjoyable moment cause the photos speaks so well of it lol.
These images are too good to have been captured with a phone hehe. And why did you specifically tell us about capturing with your phone as if you aren't confident that the photos are good?
The photos are really good. I wish my phone could do something like this hahaha.
PS: your wife is very pretty


Hey gal good to see you are around here this weekend..Wow I can see you growing really fast you are a rocket...!!! Very impressive 🙂 Good job and Keep it the good work 😍

Yeah! I am so glad to be present this weekend, I missed last week and I am not intending to do that this week.
About being a rocket? hahaha, it's funny. I am doing my best dear and I have missed you around. Nice to see you here.

Aww You are doing really well. I'm getting so busy atm but will try to arrange time for my Hive blog soon and will see you around :))

Oh alright dear. See you around :)

Some would say that having their plans not come to fruition would count as a bad day; I guess it comes down to how important those plans were. I hope it all worked out in the end for you.

Yeah, I'm not much of a photographer, I tend to point and shoot. These were all taken with my Samsung S9...Now I have the S20 and it's so much better...They came out ok, but I'm never that confident with my photos.

Thank you, Faith is the most lovely person...We've been together for thirty three years now and why she puts up with me I do not know, but I'm grateful that she does. She's too good for me, but I must have done something, and continue to do things, that makes her love me and want to stay. I'm grateful. :)


I guess they count it as bad but then I can't really tag mine as a bad day.
I see why you weren't confident about the photos cause you have a much better phone now.

Faith? Why do you call her by her name? isn't she your wife? or you just don't like the name wife?

Her name is Faith, not wife, and so I call her by her name. I think it's respectful. When we're out and I introduce her to someone I always say, this is Faith, not this is my wife Faith, as the title is beside the point; Wife isn't a name.

Of course, here on hive I sometimes say, my wife Faith, to give background and perspective to my writing but in real life I don't care if people know she's my wife or not.

I just don't think the title of wife, husband and so on, is necessary. She is Faith, a person in her own right, not my possession, so why not afford her that courtesy?

Did you know that one of the most important sounds to a human being is the spoken sound of their own name? It's true. I use people's names and like it when people use mine, like all humans...That's why I find it so odd that people make up little usernames here on hive as if they have something to hide or are ashamed of their name...Yet on Facebook, for instance, almost everyone uses their real name, or some variation of it. Makes me laugh.

So, I call Faith by her name and add in wife where relevant for my writing.

Pretty nicely explained.

I use my user name here because I had a user name on the innerwebs for years and this is it. I'm not very inventive...

My first hotmail address was my name. No more, no less. Then I got caught by the gurus that said "you'll be found out" and "they'll steal everything you've got" and...

The same fucking geniuses that said your password had to be at least 8 characters with one capital letter and one special character. Bullshit. The best password is the one you can remember that you don't have to put in a spreadsheet that hackers can look right into.

I sort my ex wives into first, best, last category. That is out of respect for their privacy. It's not my job to dox anybody.

Thanks mate, I thought it was a nice, logical, explanation also.

Yeah, the name thing. I mean, people call themselves things like @gjvelalinve33625 which I don't get. Just use a name, any name not even your own, and it seems a little more personal. But noooo someone may steal their identity and their soul! Meanwhile on Facebook they're pouring their whole lives out to the world, and Zuckerberg.

I find using people's names more personal and I relate to people better when they use a name here, even if it is not their real one.

Lol, I understand better. I love my name too and it gets me really upset when people address me as baby, sweetheart, darling, and all the rubbish. I usually warn them against it, to rather use my name and address by my name cause I love it so much.
Just yesterday I was telling my mom how much I love that they gave me my name because I just feel my name carries power😂😁 just that hive rejected it so I had to use something.
The problem we have with Hive lol.
It's so nice of you to address your wife by her name and I so much love the point you said she isn't some kind of your possession.
I wish all men knew this.
Thanks for a detailed explanation.

I have pet names for Faith, none of which I'll share here...And she calls me things too, sometimes idiot for doing something dumb, but that's what being a man is all about...We do dumb things sometimes. 😀 There's one below.

People grow up differently these days and the values I learned as a young person are rarely taught unfortunately. Being a gentleman, humble and kind seems not to be highly regarded these days. Of course, I see them as strengths, just like the ability to protect and defend oneself is...In fact, probably more than that! A man must know when not to fight and a smart man will seek to avoid one in fact, just like a smart man will know how to be courteous and respectful. Alas, those attributes are being lost...In women also.

Yeah! I know we tend to lose those attributes and values as the world keeps evolving.But it's very sad

Lol, I understand calling you funny and naughty names when you go wrong or misbehave😉😂

Lol, it happens more than it should! 😇

Another thing weird as shit about today's normal is the amount of people (males especially) who are single and live with their parents into their 20's-30's, you notice this?

It's easy to see but then Pura pointed out a statistic to me—it's true.

Yes, I find that weird also...Although I believe people are becoming far too dependant on others and maybe this aspect is just another example? It's easier to stay at home and have mom do ones ironing, pack ones lunch and waking one up for work in the morning than fend for oneself. Just another way people are becoming less self reliant.

It's weird if you ask me, and I don't tend to have a lot of respect for those who do not take some ownership and responsibility for themselves.

Good point here with the names! I'm more afraid of cancel culture than anything. Although I don't say things controversial, I think, I think that some people will always have a desire to ruin somebody for disagreeing with them. I have toyed with the idea of using the other account I've created on here with a part of my actual name but I think that will come later in the future. I do find the accounts like cutiepie234 to be tedious lol

It's all good bro, I mean sure, I wish I had a name to call you, like the E-dog you know? I completely understand why people avoid divulging everything and in fact I was asked a couple of times what the kp stands for in my user name. I say, keep private. I get privacy. But there's nothing stopping someone from using a fake name just like I did in my Sophie/mass murderer post yesterday. It adds some personality and humanity to things I think.

P.s. I wanted @knighttemplar as my user name but fucked up...My second choice as @cutiepie234. Lol.

Like @bigtom13 My C.B. handle nickname has taken on a life of it's own in the 30+ years. First on the 2 way radio and then on the social media cesspools. So glad I flushed them all!

HIVE being the exception. It just seems better here, and I often wish to use my sirname but Krazzy it is... sigh

You know, when I first started in hive back in June 2017 I didn't know what I was doing so before I knew it had created my username. I had initially wanted to use something like @knighttemplar but it was too late, it was created as you see it and I was annoyed. Now, I'm glad I used a name as it is more personal and relatable I think.

I find it so funny that people are so secretive here but I'm Facebook will use their own name and tell the world everything. One of my own family members does this and I'm so glad I'm not there to see it!. So embarrassing.

Your handle suits you krazzy man, just own it and be done with it. 😊

Thanks Man. I own it, and the twinge of embarrassment it brings at times.

Knight Templar... I like that.

Week 12b The Knights Templar.jpg

I was Sammi Jo Briggs on FB. I never used my real name or info on any social media. I am still on MeWe as Sammi Jo. I have deleted all others. Video sites are KT.

I have been working on @pooky-jax about that FakeBook thing. I know She would have dumped it by now if not for her family members on there that are clueless to it.

And a report just came out last week. 94% of the global child sex traffic can be traced back to FB posts... SMFH

That picture...That's how I envisage myself dressed for work each day. It's like, see you honey, I'm of to slay.

Yeah FB...Bloody terrible thing. I don't have it and the brother below me does not either. I think tarazkp does but doesn't use it and the youngest, my sister, has it. My older brother though...Everything is on there. It's pathetic. I don't care that I miss out on things...I mean what am I truly missing out on? Anything worthwhile? Methinks not.

So. I am still on FB. First and Last name. I have a serious good looking blonde on my arm.

I go on less than once per month. There are about 6 people that I'd just lose if I didn't (including that blonde :)) (It was her wedding day, I walked her down the aisle)

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

It's tough when plans get ruined but sometimes you just have to roll with the waves. What seems like a ruined day could be a blessing in disguise later!