¨PhotoBombChallenge¨ # 180 An unusual pet (Spanish-English)¨PhotoBombChallenge¨ #180 Una mascota inusual

in PhotoBomb Challenge3 years ago
Feliz de poder estar aquí en esta increíble ¨PhotoBomb ChallengeCommunity¨:  Me gusta mucho esta comunidad de ¨simuladores¨ de imágenes, un lugar agradable para compartir tus fotos editadas, y se lo debemos a nuestro amigo @fibra59 Que tuvo la genial idea de hacer algo así; Una vez más acompañando y participando del ¨PhotoBombChallenge¨ : Si te gusta editar fotografías deberías unirte y participar del concurso

Source: Family Album

Happy to be here in this amazing ¨PhotoBomb ChallengeCommunity¨:   I really like this community of “image simulators”, a nice place to share your edited photos, and we owe it to our friend @fibra59 who had the great idea to do something like that; Once again accompanying and participating in the ¨PhotoBombChallenge¨:   If you like to edit photos you should join and participate in the contest

La imagen predefinida para esta semana es muy peculiar, hubo que buscar mucho en el álbum para encontrar las fotografías que pudieran quedar bien con el; Estas son las cosas que hacen que me guste mucho esta desafío, siempre me divierto mucho creando mis ¨foto¨ ¨bombas¨

Source: Family Album

The predefined image for this week is very peculiar, we had to search a lot in the album to find the photos that could look good with it; These are the things that make me really like this challenge, I always have a lot of fun creating my ¨photo¨ ¨bombas¨

Las imágenes se ven divertidas, es la mascota ideal para llevarla donde vayas, un paseo por la costa, de compras al súper, o de vacaciones a las montañas; Vayas donde vayas, tu mascota se verá inusual

Source: Family Album

The images look funny, it is the ideal pet to take with you wherever you go, a walk along the coast, shopping at the supermarket, or on vacation in the mountains; Wherever you go, your pet will look unusual

Original photography

Fuente imagen insertada: 


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Great ones there
I see you put #posh did you take screenshot too. I have not got posh reply to post I put. In Twitter for some time

hello dear friend @adysscheryl
I really appreciate this pleasant visit
have a nice afternoon and a happy start to the week

Wow very nice moments & funny photo.I really like it.

how are you dear friend @ sumaiya777 good day
Thank you very much for your kind words, you are very kind
have a splendid day

Ha, ha, great collages @jlufer! I'm really fascinated to see you using your private photos for collages. You always manage to find the right feeling. Congrats! 😎 🍻 !BEER !PIZZA



@jlufer! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @seckorama.

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Thank you very much dear friend @seckorama for appreciating my images, you are very kind.
I like to use our own images, it is what makes more fun
have a nice day

Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

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