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RE: Urbert’s Flight

in The Ink Welllast year

The magic in your story does not come from the sky falling. It comes from allowing us to experience the world as Urbert knows it.

Could anyone come up with a better hook?

Urbert saw the sky fall in.

You let us know early that Ubert does not inhabit a magical universe--no more than the rest of us do as we witness the miracle of nature every day.

and it’s probably why most conversations in Urbert’s life were extremely short.

A brilliant technique to give perspective. We see Urbert now as the world sees him. He is alone in his pursuit, in his understanding of the universe.

Is Urbert mad? Is the sky falling, or is there merely a hailstorm? Doesn't matter. To Urbert it is real. Whatever happens when he dives into that pool of water, he will continue to believe in his miracle.

A great story. So much skill on display here :)

Merry Christmas @itsostylish