theinkwell writing challenge | A Lawn Chair Story: O'keef's Bar

in The Ink Well3 years ago

November 24th, 2020

A Lawn Chair Story - O'keef's Bar


Source @bashadow - Me.

Jacob walked into O'Keef's bar and grill, he took a quick look around, same people, same faces, day in and day out. He nodded at Margo as he made his way to the bar. Twelve years he had done penance, his time was up. There were two loose ends Jacob had to clear up, Rafe and Margo

Jacob thought of Margo as he headed to the bar and Rafe. He knew how torn Margo was about the insurance money, she had called it blood money and refused to let it be of any assistance to her and her daughter.

Rafe saw Jacob coming toward the bar, he reached for a brandy glass and the whiskey he knew Jacob would want. "Not today Rafe", he heard Jacob call, "just here to clear my tab", he mentioned as he continued toward the bar.

"You sure about that Jacob, it's not much only twenty dollars" Rafe said as Jacob sat on the old bar stool he had called home for the last twelve years.

"Positive Rafe" as he placed two hundred dollars on the counter. Rafe looked at the money on the bar. "your tab is only twenty dollars Jacob, not two hundred.

Jacob just sat and gazed into the mirror behind the bar, he knew all the crooks and crannies in the reflection, he could see them all in himself also. All the scars he had earned and learned in his years on Earth. He counted out two more stacks of bills, five hundred in each stack.

"Jacob?", Rafe asked as he watched Jacobs action. "From the tab pile Rafe, buy everyone a round, and then spread the rest out in free drinks as people come. One of theses piles is yours, for all the years listening to me grow old", he stated as he looked Rafe in the eyes and gave a somewhat happy smile.

Rafe nodded and asked about the other pile. Jacob turned his gaze once more to the mirror. "That pile Rafe I would like you to give to Margo after I have gone". The earlier smile turning to a look of forlorn sadness. Jacob reached into his jacket pocket and placed a note on top of the pile.

"Where are you going Jacob? What's up and why so melancholy?" Jacob rose from his stool reached his hand out to shake Rafes' hand. "My ship has come in Rafe, it is time for me to leave". With that Jacob turned and headed to the door, he noted Margo's glance his way as he passed by. He gave a slight smile and nod to her a he left.

Rafe looked down at his hand, he had felt a steady stream of electricity course into him when Jacob shook his hand, almost like a static discharge shock, but no real shock, just the flow of electricity.

After Jacob had left Rafe approached Margo. "I don't think he will be back Margo". with those words Rafe saw her head droop slightly and some tears come to her eyes. Rafe felt like he had just been kicked with the words he uttered, then remembered the note and money. "He left this for you Margo, he said his ship had come in and he had to leave".

Margo ignored the money, she took a napkin and dried her eyes and donned her reading glasses to read the note.

My dearest Margo, my time is up, and I must leave. Take the money, buy your daughter that dress in the window she has been admiring, trust me you will not regret it. Your Angel Jacob.
ps. Give Rafe a hug for me, I will be watching over you both and your daughter, Money is not the root of all evil, people are.

Margo stood and walked over to Rafe and gave him a hug. She picked up the money and left the note for Rafe to read, as she headed to the door to go buy a dress.

Rafe took the note and slid it into the breast pocket of his shirt close to his heart. As he was tending bar the next order came in and when he rang it up on the cash register the register door slid open and the receipt printed "No Charge today", and the register drawer was full of money he slid the door closed and handed the receipt to the customer and watched his reaction. "Thank you" he exclaimed with a smile as he took his drink and walked over to where his buddies sat already drinking.

You really are an Angel aren't you Jacob, he thought, as he felt the smile on his face, and a mild electrical shock in his chest.

My story entry into The Inkwell Writing challenge Season 2 Week 5

Tiny Picture links back to my blog:


Hello! Your post was selected by The Ink Well for quality and has received an OCD upvote! Congratulations!

Thank you it was very much appreciated. maybe one day I will be able to write a whole short story.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 33 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you, getting more eyes on my post is always appreciated.

A sad but lovely story, my friend, and it leaves the end somehow open for your own imagination about what's happened to Jacob and what will happen to him and his friends 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Just an idea for a story really. I can go through flashbacks for the three of them, Jacob being an Angel that kind of had a problem, and got sent to atone. Rafe the bar tender, backstory might be interesting, then there is Margo and her daughter. Who was the father? Lots of ways to take or work the story, but in the end it will likely never be written. But it is fun sometimes coming up with little tid-bit stories or story ideas.

All together could make a nice book I believe, but each story alone sounds interesting too. I like especially the question "who is the father?", maybe an Angel 👼

Cheers and !BEER

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Thank you slowly my beer balance re-grows.

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