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RE: Backwards

in The Ink Well2 years ago

I knew from the moment he interpreted the painting that i.was in for it...and I wasn't proven wrong...this is a's funny how people only get noticed at the very least when they're dead, it's a sad reality of life and probably a compensation for the dead but most times they don't ever get to see it...but Marion was fortunate enough ... whoever brought him there must have wanted him to have peace even in death...

So much can be done with the little we have as long as we don't let our shortcomings and unavailables be a stumbling block invalid mad creating so much magic.. reminds me of the post i saw of the fastest man on hands...he had no legs but he ran faster than an average person with his much can always be done..

This is a masterpiece ❤️


I can't thank you enough for the wonderful words. Reading comments inspires me to write better.

Reading stories like this inspires me to do more in's a good story ❤️

Thank you so much. Comments like these motivate me to write better next time.

You're welcome ❤️