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RE: The Ink Well Prompt #91 - Plus Weekly Challenge and Prize Announcement

in The Ink Welllast year

Hello @theinkwell, I have a question regarding this part of the rule

Remember to link your story to the prompt post.

If I write a story on a certain prompt, I should drop the link on the prompt post even though the prompt post is old?

Or I should drop it on a recent post while citing the prompt I used?


Hi @edystringz. Sorry for the delay in responding. We don't monitor all of the comments. (The best way to reach us is on Discord: If you write for an older prompt, you don't need to provide a link. Just be sure to post directly in The Ink Well community, and we will see it.

The reason to provide the link to your story for the current prompt in the comments of the contest post is so that we can easily round up all the stories submitted for the contest when we choose the winners.