The ink well writing challenge season 2/ week 7/ The love/ El amor/ by gilliatt

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)


The love

This story is a classic love story, of that love that is born from the soul, that triumphs over all adversity and that takes precedence over any pettiness, plot, conspiracy or hatred.

It happened on the coasts of South America, in one of the most beautiful towns in those lands, its name contains a lot, it was called: "Santa Fe".

Santa Fe, was a small town, there were not more than two hundred families there, and where it was never necessary more than a primary school for all the children of that town, a single large store of provisions, which covered all of those lands, of that little piece of heaven where there was no room for a miracle, and where she was always in the center.

She was Don Dionisio's, daugther a blonde girl with emerald green eyes, who left such a deep mark on those who looked at them that it was difficult to forget.

Yelitza, who was born in the old town house and who never knew the need, was never denied anything, not even beauty, it seemed that the force of money conspired with the gifts that nature could grant, she was always the center attraction of those lands, the queen of the class, queen of the carnival, the one who sang in the church, and always knew that in the end, she would be next to Lorenzo, the son of the farm manager, compadre of the patron, her future father-in-law, and administrator of everything Don Dionisio had.

They met again in the French class, which the priest had brought to town from the capital, claiming that with knowledge, culture and progress would come, she saw him sitting next to her, and she fell in love with him, it seemed to her that in this small town, there was no one more interesting, intelligent and cultured, and that he was also very beautiful, his hands were very soft, you could tell that he had never had the need to work fishing, that fascinated him.

But this young man was all his life avoiding that relationship, some said that only out of rebellion, but no, he went further, he believed in true love, which is born from a touch, a look, a stolen kiss, and even On some occasions he had to confront his own father, who insisted on preparing that wedding, which everyone in town knew would sooner or later be consummated, but that the mere fact of the commitment, of the obligation, bothered him.

That Sunday morning, the families of the town coincided in the church, since from there life began in that secluded town on the coast, that morning the boss formally invited the administrator to have dinner with the whole family, since he could not refuse anymore to the demands of Yelitza, who already wanted to formalize that wedding, so that it coincided with the collection and celebration of the coffee harvest, in the month of August.

Lorenzo argued harshly with his father, claiming his dream of finding true love, that his grandfather taught him that in life he should pursue his ideals, those he had always dreamed of and that in the few fairy tales that had passed through his hands, learned that pure love, true in the end, always triumphs.

But that morning his parents put him in his place, claiming respect and obedience towards them, they yelled very loudly at him, but realizing that this time they went too far, they tried to make amends, that was when his father spoke to him frankly : "Son, you should know that if that wedding does not take place, Don Dionisio is going to take away everything we have," he did not react, he just kept silent and left.

That night both families had dinner, she would not stop seeing him and he, only when he remembered his father's words, would turn to look at her, although deep down he was very angry that so much beauty held so much pride at the same time and that those families, only for keeping up appearances, and being used to everyone obeying him, (even his parents) forcing him to marry someone he did not love.

The dinner went smoothly, Lorenzo's mother did nothing but praise that huge farm, the service and the French crockery in which they served that banquet that Lorenzo saw as a business transaction, and where he was the merchandise.

After dinner, the women went to have chocolate while they talked about the wedding dress, that "they had to be brought from the capital", and all the preparations that were coming, and from the guest list, with Dona Carlota saying that it would not be necessary. any list, that all the town would attend.


Lorenzo's father, Don Enrique, was a very astute and intelligent man and in secret conversations with the boss, they drew up a strategy that would allow Lorenzo to give in to his demands, without having to force him or at least without making it so obvious.

So they brought Alfredo, a friend from Lorenzo's childhood, from the neighboring town and offered him a good amount of money, so that he could convince him, that he would show off the advantage of being rich, and the convenience of that wedding, that although the boss knew it was only a whim of his daughter, he had never denied her anything, and he was not going to be an insignificant beardless person, who would make him look bad with her, in short, that he would not fight against the current anymore.

From the moment they met again, Lorenzo was very happy to see his old friend, they resumed their friendship and all those old childhood dreams, it did not even take long for them to talk about the wedding that he did not want, this one he listened very attentively, and only interrupted him to emphasize the convenience of marrying the most beautiful creature in all that region, the richest, and the most ..... "Yes, the most capricious too" Lorenzo sentenced.

They both smiled and that afternoon they forgot all about the wedding, the plans, and from that moment on, a complicity began between them, which would lead the plans of Yelitza, the employer and the administrator, to unpredictable events for everyone. nothing went as planned.

The next morning, Alfredo go to visit Yelitza, and told her about a secret plan that he had drawn up with Lorenzo, his young lover, which consisted of eloping the day before the ceremony, so as not to give those so haughty beings and Machiavellian the pleasure of seeing the wedding between them consummated, that he had to prepare for that escape, to leave that same day for the capital, and from there to Europe, Paris.


She received the news with approval, and began to dream of that romantic escape, that spirit of adventure that was quite lacking in those fields, and that her older sister who had lived in Paris for a long time, had sent her letters and postcards telling her about those such wonderful places.

She didn't think about it anymore, she got ready to travel, she told her father that after the wedding she wanted to travel to Europe with her new husband, and that she would need many things for that dream trip

Meanwhile, Lorenzo, went to his father's office, and spoke frankly with him, he told him that although he did not want to marry, he was not going to endanger the stability of his family, and that he accepted the conditions that were raised, the only thing that he was going to ask for in return, it was enough money for the trip to Europe with his future wife, that the boss had enough money for that, and that in the end, he would not even notice the missing.

His father celebrated that night with Don Dionisio, he told him about his son's demands, (deep down, he was a very honest man), and he replied: "Man, the most difficult thing is done, I just want the happiness of my little one, "so he gave the administrator the freedom to give the lovebirds whatever they needed.

On the other hand, Alfredo also claimed his part of the deal, and without further ado he returned to his town, to return before the wedding, everything was ready.

The announcements and preparations were immediate, there was only one day left for the ecclesiastical ceremony, and the great night, only that the young people had drawn up their alternate plan, and they only waited for the night to pass, to escape with the light of dawn, everything was served.

Very early in the morning, she left for the outskirts of town, where she was to meet Lorenzo, who had already taken care of taking all of Yelitza's luggage days before, and they should only meet at the station.


But something changed, when she arrived at the station she did not find her loved one, she looked everywhere and there was no one, for a moment she thought that she had arrived very early, but suddenly a voice took her out of her reverie, it was a worker from the farm, which he knew well.

He asked her what she was doing there at that time, so alone, until he realized what was happening, the escape and those things of adolescent love, and sighing for that romanticism that came to his memory, he only managed to tell her that he had seen her boyfriend earlier at the port.

Yelitza ran with all the strength her legs gave her, went to the port, she was still on time, it was early, she could still meet her lover, and they could leave for Europe, by boat, as she always dreamed of.

But when she reached the port, the ship had just set sail, she was still very close, too close, she could only see, in the distance, with the first light of dawn, an image that would accompany her for the rest of her life: it was Lorenzo, that he left her forever, hand in hand with Alfredo, his great love.

The End


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As always, I must thank the unconditional support I have received from @blocktrades, @ocdb @cervantes through @ sancho.panza and @fridakahlo @shanibeer, and of course from the community #theinkwell, @ocd, @curie, @ylich, #literatos, that drive me to be better every day.



El Amor

Esta historia, es una historia clásica de amor, de ese amor que nace del alma, que triunfa ante todas las adversidades y que se antepone a cualquier mezquindad, trama, conspiración u odio.
Sucedió en las costas de suramerica, en uno de los pueblitos mas bellos de esas tierras, su nombre encierra mucho, se llama Santa Fe.
Santa Fe, era un pueblo pequeño, no había allí mas de doscientas familias, y donde no hizo falta nunca mas que una escuela primaria para todos los hijos de aquel pueblo, un solo gran almacén de víveres, que cubría la totalidad de aquellas tierras, de aquel pedacito de cielo donde no cabía un milagro, y donde en el centro, siempre estuvo ella.
Era la hija de don Dionisio, una chica rubia, de unos ojos verde esmeralda, que a quien los miraba, les dejaba una huella tan profunda, que era difícil olvidar, se llamaba Yelitza, quien desde muy niña y muy en el fondo siempre supo que estaba destinada a casarse con aquel joven refinado, de tez blanca y ojos azules, que conoció en aquella escuelita rural, donde se conocían todos, donde en ese pueblo, en algún punto de la vida coincidían todos, pobres y ricos, campesinos y comerciantes, esclavos y amos.
Yelitza, quien había nacido en la vieja casona del pueblo y que jamas conocío la necesidad, nunca le fue negado nada, ni siquiera la belleza, parecía que conspiraba la fuerza del dinero con los dones que podía otorgar la naturaleza, ella siempre fue el centro de atracción de aquellas tierras, la reina de la clase, reina del carnaval, la que cantaba en la iglesia, y siempre supo que al final, quedaría al lado de Lorenzo, el hijo del administrador de la hacienda, compadre del patrón, su futuro suegro, y administrador de todo cuanto tenía don Dionisio.
Se reencontraron en la clase de francés, que el cura había traído al pueblo desde la capital, alegando que con el conocimiento, vendría la cultura y el progreso, ella lo vio sentado a su lado, y quedó prendada de él, le pareció que en aquel pequeño pueblo, no había nadie mas interesante, inteligente y culto, y que además era muy bello, sus manos eran muy suaves, se le notaba que no había tenido nunca la necesidad de trabajar la pesca, eso le fascinó.
Pero este joven estuvo toda la vida evitando aquella relación, algunos decían que solo por rebeldía, pero no, el iba mas allá, el creía en el amor verdadero, en el que nace de un roce, una mirada, un beso robado, y hasta en algunas ocasiones tuvo que enfrentar a su propio padre, el cual insistía en preparar aquella boda, que todos en el pueblo sabían que tarde o temprano se consumaría, pero que a él, el solo hecho del compromiso, de la obligación, le molestaba.
Esa mañana de domingo, coincidieron las familias del pueblo en la iglesia, ya que desde allí comenzaba la vida en aquel apartado pueblíto de la costa, esa mañana el patrón invitaba formalmente al administrador a cenar con toda la familia, ya que no pudo negarse mas a las exigencias de Yelitza, quien ya quería formalizar aquella boda, para que coincidiera con la recolección y fiesta de la cosecha del café, en el mes de agosto.
Lorenzo discutió duramente con su padre, alegando su sueño de encontrar el amor verdadero, que su abuelo le enseño que en la vida debía perseguir sus ideales, esos con los que siempre había soñado y que en los pocos cuentos de hadas que habían pasado por sus manos, aprendió que el amor puro, el verdadero al final, siempre triunfa.
Pero esa mañana sus padres lo pusieron en su lugar, alegando al respeto y obediencia hacía ellos, le gritaron muy fuerte, pero al darse cuenta de que esta vez fueron demasiado lejos, trataron de enmendar la situación, fue entonces cuando su padre le habló francamente: "hijo, debes saber que si esa boda no se lleva a cabo, don Dionisio va a quitarnos todo cuanto tenemos", este no reaccionó, solo guardó silencio y se retiró.
Esa noche cenaron ambas familias, ella no dejaba de mirarlo y el, solo cuando recordaba las palabras de su padre, volteaba a verla, aunque en el fondo le daba mucha rabia que tanta belleza encerrara al mismo tiempo tanta soberbia y que aquellas familias, solo por cuidar las apariencias, y estar acostumbrados a que todo el mundo le obedeciera, (incluso sus padres) lo obligaran a casarse con alguien a quien él no amaba.
La cena se dio sin contratiempos, la madre de Lorenzo no hacia mas que alabar aquella enorme hacienda, el servicio y la vajilla francesa en la que sirvieron aquel banquete que Lorenzo veía como una transacción de negocios, y donde él, era la mercancía.
Después de cenar, las mujeres se fueron a tomar chocolate mientras hablaban del vestido de novia, que "había que traerlo de la capital", y todos los preparativos que se avecinaban, y de la lista de invitados, sentenciando doña Carlota que no haría falta lista alguna, que todo el pueblo asistiría.

El padre de Lorenzo, don Enrique era un hombre muy astuto e inteligente y en conversaciones secretas con el patrón, trazaron una estrategia que permitiría que Lorenzo, cediera ante sus demandas, sin tener que obligarle o al menos, sin que fuera tan obvio.
Así que trajeron del pueblo vecino a Alfredo, un amigo de la infancia de Lorenzo, y le ofrecieron una buena cantidad de dinero, para que este lo convenciera, que hiciera gala de la ventaja de ser rico, y de la conveniencia de aquella boda, que aunque el patrón sabia era solo un capricho de su hija, el jamas le había negado nada, y no iba a ser un imberbe insignificante, quien lo hiciera quedar mal con ella, en fin, que no luchara mas contra la corriente.
Desde el momento en que estos se reencontraron, Lorenzo se alegró mucho de ver a su viejo amigo, retomaron su amistad y todos aquellos viejos sueños de la infancia, incluso no pasó mucho tiempo para que hablaran de la boda que él no deseaba, este lo escuchó con mucha atención, y solo lo interrumpió para destacar la conveniencia de casarse con la criatura mas bella de toda aquella región, la mas rica, y la mas....."si, la mas caprichosa también" sentenció Lorenzo.
Ambos sonrieron y por esa tarde se olvidaron de todo aquello de la boda, de los planes y a partir de ese momento comenzó entre ellos, una complicidad, que llevaría los planes de Yelítza, del patrón y del administrador, a sucesos impredecibles para todos, y ya nada fue como estaba planeado.
A la mañana siguiente, Alfredo se fue a visitar a Yelítza, y le habló de un plan secreto que había trazado con Lorenzo, su joven enamorado, que consistía en fugarse el día antes de la ceremonia, para no darle a aquellos seres tan soberbios y maquiavelicos, el placer de ver consumada la boda entre ellos, que debía prepararse para aquella fuga, para partir ese mismo día a la capital, y de allí a Europa, París.


Ella recibió la noticia con beneplácito, y empezó a soñar con aquella fuga tan romántica, aquel espíritu de aventura que bastante falta hacía en aquellos campos, y que su hermana mayor que hacia tiempo vivía en París, le había enviado cartas y postales hablándole de aquellos lugares tan maravillosos.
No lo pensó más, se preparó para viajar, le dijo a su padre que después de la boda quería viajar a Europa con su nuevo marido, y que necesitaría muchas cosas para aquel viaje de ensueño.
Mientras tanto Lorenzo, se dirigió al despacho de su padre, y habló francamente con el, le dijo que aunque el no quería casarse, tampoco iba a poner en peligro la estabilidad de su familia, y que aceptaba las condiciones que estaban planteadas, lo único que el iba a pedir a cambio, era dinero suficiente para el viaje a Europa con su futura esposa, que el patrón tenia suficiente dinero para eso, y que al final, ni cuenta se daría del faltante.
Su padre celebró aquella noche con don Dionisio, le contó de las exigencias de su hijo, (en el fondo, era un hombre muy honrado), y este le respondió: "hombre, lo mas difícil esta hecho, yo solo quiero la felicidad de mi pequeña", así que le dio al administrador libertad para darle a los tórtolos, lo que ellos necesitaran.
Por otra parte Alfredo también reclamó su parte del trato, y sin mas regresó a su pueblo, para volver antes de la boda, ya todo estaba listo.
Los anuncios y preparativos, no se hicieron esperar, solo faltaba un día para la ceremonia eclesiástica, y la gran noche, solo que los jóvenes habían trazado su plan alterno, y solo esperaban que pasara la noche, para escaparse con la luz del alba, todo estaba servido.
En la mañana bien temprano, ella salió hacia las afueras del pueblo, donde debía encontrarse con Lorenzo, ya este se había encargado de llevarse días antes, todo el equipaje de Yelítza, y solo debían encontrarse en la estación.


Pero algo cambio, ella al llegar a la estación no encontró a su amado, miró a todos lados y no había nadie, por un momento pensó que había llegado muy temprano, pero de pronto una voz la sacó de su ensimismamiento, era un obrero de la hacienda, que la conocía bien.
Le preguntó que estaba haciendo allí a esa hora, tan sola, hasta que cayó en cuenta de lo que estaba ocurriendo, de la fuga y de esas cosas del amor adolescente, y suspirando por aquel romanticismo que se vino a su memoria solo alcanzó a decirle que había visto a su novio mas temprano en el puerto.
Yelítza corrió con todas las fuerzas que le daban sus piernas, se dirigió al puerto, aun estaba a tiempo, era temprano, aun podía encontrarse con su amado, y podrían partir hacía Europa, en barco, como siempre soñó.
Pero al llegar al puerto, ya el barco acababa de zarpar, aun se encontraba muy cerca, demasiado, esta solo pudo alcanzar a ver, en la distancia, con las primeras luces del alba, una imagen que no la abandonaría por el resto de sus días: Era Lorenzo, que se alejaba de ella para siempre tomado de la mano con Alfredo, su gran Amor.



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No puedo pasar por aqui sin agradecer el apoyo incondicional que he recibido de @blocktrades, @ocdb @ilych @cervantes a través de @sancho.panza y @fridakahlo @literatos, y por supuesto a la comunidad #theinkwell, #hivemexico, #talentclub. Que me impulsan a ser cada dia mejor.




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Jajajaja inesperado final, buenísimo como siempre, felicidades!

Gracias hija por leerme, un abrazo en la distancia!.

Hello, have you added a link to your story in a comment on the challenge post?
It's important so that we can quickly find your story in the future 🙂.

Greetings @theinkwell, the goblins caught me again, I placed the link and I had not given it to publish, of course, I already corrected it, thank you very much.

Hello! Your post was selected by The Ink Well and has received an OCD upvote! Congratulations!

Thank you very much to the @theinkwell team for valuing our humble effort, that forces us to strive every day more, in each project we undertake, I wish you success in your project, of which I already consider myself part.

 3 years ago  

Beautiful story of young love. Congratulations on receiving the awesome recognition in The Ink Well Community.

@justclickinddiva, Thank you very much I am honored that you have read my story, and even more that you liked it, success for you too.