Lonely Diner / Un restaurant solitario. The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #10

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Imagen de Beth Tuchinsky en Pixabay

This is my entry for The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #10

There were only two people in the lonely restaurant on Interstate 53, Agent McClaren and a guy enjoying his lunch. A large hamburger with big chunks of Canadian bacon. With each bite, small strands of red and yellow dripped from the back of it. The ingredients melded together in his mouth, creating an explosion on his palate that he had never felt in his life.

The spices, juicy quarter pounder, tomatoes, lettuce, and crispy bacon created an array of flavors that activated his taste buds.

The cool strawberry milkshake condensed tiny crystalline droplets that trickled down the grooves of the overflowing glass of whipped cream.

Rays of sunlight streamed through the large window that separated them from the hot exterior. Clouds scurried across the blue sky beyond, contrasting with the terracotta of the massifs rising on the horizon.

His thin, wrinkled face did not convey any kind of resentment, instead, there was a halo of peace that could only be reflected in someone who had fulfilled his purpose in life.

A black van raised a small cloud of dust when it suddenly pulled up in front of the establishment; a pair of suited and black-glassed subjects jumped out of it with guns in their hands.

Agent McClaren raised his eyebrows and glanced at his watch.

"Took longer than I thought," he muttered.

The subject swallowed his chew and opened his big black eyes.

"Keep enjoying your burger," Agent McClaren insisted, giving no thought to the armed men about to enter.

He slowly rose from his seat and buttoned his suit coat.

The men burst in.

"We're here for the fugitive," they declared with grim faces.

"I'm aware," McClaren replied, nonchalantly, flashing his credential.

The subjects checked the credential and holstered their weapons.

"The subject deserves to enjoy his last lunch. If it weren't for him, the universe as we know it would be gone," McClaren explained.

One of the men left the restaurant to confirm by phone that they had found the fugitive.

In the meantime, McClaren returned to sit across from the subject again; he picked up the cup of tea in front of him and sipped some, tasting as if there was no tomorrow.

Upon finishing his delicacy, the stranger squeezed Agent McClaren's hand gently, grateful for his gesture of kindness.

The agents cuffed his hands and led him inside the van.

On the way to the penitentiary, the subject breathed his last.

See you next time, space cowboy.

Solo habían dos personas en el solitario restaurante de la interestatal 53, el agente McClaren y un sujeto que disfrutaba de su almuerzo. Una gran hamburguesa con grandes trozos de tocino canadiense. Con cada mordisco, pequeños hilos de colores rojos y amarillos chorreaban desde su parte posterior. Los ingredientes se fusionaban en su boca, creando una explosión en su paladar que jamás en su vida había sentido.

Las especias, el jugoso cuarto de libra, los tomates, la lechuga y el crujiente tocino creaban un abanico de sabores que activaban sus papilas gustativas.

La fría malteada de fresa condensaba pequeñas gotitas cristalinas que se escurrían por los surcos de la copa rebosante de crema batida.

Los rayos de sol atravesaban la gran ventana que los separaba del exterior caluroso. Afuera, las nubes correteaban en un cielo totalmente azul, contrastando con el terracota de los macizos que se levantaban en el horizonte.

Su rostro delgado y arrugado no transmitía ningún tipo de resentimiento, en cambio, había un halo de paz que solo podría reflejarse en alguien que había cumplido con su objetivo en la vida.

Una van negra levantó una pequeña nuve de polvo cuando de improvisto se detuvo frente al establecimiento; un par de sujetos vestidos de traje y lentes negros saltaron de ella con armas en sus manos.

El agente McClaren levantó sus cejas y echó un vistazo a su reloj.

“Tardaron más de lo que pensé”, murmuró

El sujeto tragó su mascada y abrió sus grandes ojos negros.

“Sigue disfrutando tu hamburguesa”, insistió el agente McClaren sin darle importancia a los hombres armados que estaban por entrar.

Se levantó lentamente de su asiento y abotonó su saco.

Los hombre irrumpieron en el local

“Venimos por el fugitivo”, declararon con cara de pocos amigos.

“Estoy al tanto”, respondió McClaren, sin inmutarse, mostrando su credencial.

Los sujetos revisaron la credencial y guardaron sus armas.

“El sujeto merece disfrutar su último almuerzo. De no ser por él, el universo como lo conocemos habría desaparecido”, explicó McClaren.

Uno de los hombres salió del restaurante para confirmar por teléfono que habían encontrado al fugitivo.

Mientras tanto, McClaren volvió nuevamente a sentarse frente al sujeto; tomó la taza de té que tenía frente a él y sorbió un poco, degustando como si no hubiera un mañana.

Al finalizar su manjar, el extraño apretó la mano del agente McClaren suavemente, agradeciendo su gesto de gentileza.

Los agentes esposaron sus manos y lo condujeron al interior de la van.

Camino a la penitenciaría, el sujeto expiró su último aliento.

Hasta la próxima, vaquero del espacio.


That end was abrupt man!

I wanted more... like what killed the fugitive? Will it also kill the agent, because he also sipped from the drink?

Anyways, nice use of the prompt. It was pacy, descriptive (maybe a little much), but it leaves one on a cliff-hanger, and I love cliff-hangers!

Great comment

Hello, @seesladen. I am grateful for reading my post. The agent sipped his tea peacefully to show the fugitive that there was no hurry even though the other two had arrived to pick him up.

You do make us wonder about the fugitive. Obviously there is some power this fugitive possesses that the reader does not understand. Your description of the scene is spot on. We can taste the bacon. You did a good job with the prompts, although I was looking for the journey :)

Thank you for posting this vividly expressive story in the Ink Well community.

Hi! I didn't know the community commented on the stories ones made. I am very glad. I think it's a good way to grow in the writing world, and I feel that I have found the community I was looking for ^_^

The Ink Well welcomes writers :) We grow together as a community!

That's awesome! :D

Thanks for joining us in The Ink Well, @jadams2k18! I enjoyed your story. The fugitive must have gotten a secret ticket out. Too bad, since he's the universe saving type. :-)

Hello there, I am thrilled that you have read my story.
Very grateful to you

Inspired by Men in Black or what?...who died in the end, the alien or that agent.

I liked Men in Black you know, fun aliens there and that Frank and roach villians...Ha.

Hi! Men in Black movies are awesome! ^_^
My story was inspired by Travellers and agent McClaren didn't die

You have to continue this, this suspense is too much.
I would love to know the crimes of the strange man, and then how he saved the world.
This is a beautiful story @jadams2k18, you did a good job.

Hello, @bruno-kema. When there is time I will continue it, I still have many others that I want to make a follow-up. Thanks for coming by ^_^

You welcome.