Sailor of the time | Poetic prose ✍️ Marinero del tiempo | Prosa poética by @jakim7 🇻🇪

in The Ink Well4 years ago

📸 Source | Fuente: Tumblr | Aberrant Beauty

Sailor of the time

Stranded in the sands of oblivion
their days pass remembering
a past that today is a distant
present, where the rusty hours
no longer mark the decreasing sense
of that grey landscape, which was once
the port of dreams and hope...

The storms could not bend it
much less the days when the wind
of hopelessness was changing its course,
oblivion has been the saltpeter that eats
their days, their candles no longer swell with
the hope of reaching the port where
in his days of glory everyone received him...

The beard of time still nests the birds
of the perhaps that once crossed the days
of the youth, today distant those
days of adventure the old sea wolf
refuses to die in the waters of the past,
the rudder of life was broken that afternoon
when his old love to another port departed...

💻 English version: Deepl translator | Free version

Marinero del tiempo

Encallado en las arenas del olvido
sus días transcurren recordando
un pasado que hoy es un distante
presente, donde las horas oxidadas
ya no marcan el sentido menguante
de aquel gris paisaje, que una vez fue
el puerto de los sueños y la esperanza...

No pudieron las tempestades doblegarlo
mucho menos los días en que el viento
de la desesperanza cambiaba su rumbo,
el olvido ha sido el salitre que carcome
sus días, sus velas ya no se hinchan con
la esperanza de llegar al puerto donde
en sus días de gloria todos lo recibían…

La barba del tiempo aún anida las aves
del quizás que una vez cruzaron los días
soleados de la juventud, hoy lejanos esos
días de aventuras el viejo lobo de mar
se niega a morir en las aguas del pasado,
el timón de la vida se quebró aquella tarde
cuando su viejo amor a otro puerto partió...

Original Content by @jakim7
Copyright @jakim7 | All Rights Reserved
Animated Banner Created By @zord189


The analogy, the delivery is all poetic. This is beautifully written. You have a magnificent mind.

Thank you very much dear friend for such a motivating comment, I appreciate it very much, best regards ✌️