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RE: The Corn Country

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Hello I found your story interesting and easy to understand. I like the flow of your article in what the people were eating, then the illness, and subsequent trying to determine what was wrong. I like the fact that the townspeople were willing to find out and try something different to solve their problems.

I was interested in this because I too have Type 2 Diabetes. I have to limit my consumption of rice, potatoes, and other starchy foods in my diet.

Also foods that may look good and seem good might have a lot of sugar in them. So I have to read labels carefully to determine what I should eat.

The people of the town were fortunate to have a visiting doctor that took the time to help them discover exactly what was causing their illness. If an entire community falls sick, then that's a key that they are all doing the wrong things.

I'm happy to learn they finally realized their problem. At the same time, if a certain type of food you eat is all you have or you are used to eating, it's extremely hard to change your ways. This is true if this is the only food source you have.

However, in order to save lives and that of your children, you have to take care of Diabetes. This condition is also family trait. So parents can pass it on to their children.

Thank you for sharing your story.


I just wrote it like this since we have this plant. Also, I've been informed that corn rice has many benefits. I didn't make up the story just because of it. I made it because after learning and having the situation now. It gave me an idea of what to write but of course, there will always be some teaching it can get from it.

Your words are enough to encourage me to keep on writing. Thank you.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hello I didn't suggest in my comment that you made up the story. I understood the story to be true as you told it.

I was only comparing their situation to my diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes and telling you my experiences with eating starchy food such as rice and pasta.

Ah, sorry. That's not what I meant as well. Language boundary I think. I'm not a native English speaker or better in English. I understood what you said. Perhaps, I failed to explain it to you. Sorry.🤗