Torundel the Shitposter! part VII

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)


Torundel felt awkward. His wife had come and prepared his evening meal, but she obviously disapproved of the girl. The food she had prepared was first rate, but he couldn't eat while she was staring so sourly at him.

‘I had a present today,’ she said. ‘A boring present!’ Every word was uttered in a way that made it sounds like vomit and sausage.

‘I am sad to hear,’ he said lamely.

‘It was a small statue of a woman, almost naked, carrying a bonfire! It looks ridiculous! And it is old!’

‘Amanutu, Goddess of home and marriage,’ Torundel said. His wife didn't seem to attach any significance to this, but Torundel did. Jealousy made his forehead ache.

‘And you have gotten yourself a new servant girl!’ she said tartly and stared fixedly at Uranumsia who stood by the fire preparing tjald for the after dinner desert.

‘I couldn't manage the house by myself, and she is very cheap. A fisherman's daughter.’

‘Cheap indeed!’ His wife spat out the words. ‘A low value woman who uses her fine, little bum to get into an honourable household!’

Uranumsia turned furiously. ‘Somebody has to teach him about the third hole! A thing his honourable wife hasn't seen fit to do.’

Torundel felt awkward.

Torundel the shitposter streg.png

Read next episode

Torundel the Shitposter! A serial fiction that follow these rules:

211 words - Starting with the word Torundel - First and last sentence are identical.

As I am not a native English speaker please inform me if something is misspelled, wrong or just horrendous English, and I will see if I can fix it.

Earlier episodes:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI


You almost feel sorry for him in a sorry, not sorry, kind of way :)

Sounds like my wife who often think other women is too harsh on their men... but then adds (with regards to the man): "That's what you get for being a weakling."

"A man Utu" is a goddess?

An ambiguity that has probably occupied the local theologians quite a deal... if it hasn't been forbidden by authorities. It seems that the gender laws a re pretty strict.