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RE: ToTheinkwell fiction challenge | Carson's murder

in The Ink Well4 years ago

I'm just reading this @amritadeva, sorry for the late reply.

I loved your feedback. It moves me how a reader such as yourself appreciate and accurately Interprete my story.I mean, you may even have a broader definition of my characters, which gives me more ideas on how to develop them.

I agree with you that the story needs more details so readers can have a better idea of the setting. I also wanted to include more of the characters' thoughts, what they are thinking.

This is the first time I write something like this. And to be honest, It's not my favorite. I actually wasn't sure if it was good enough. I guess all the crime stories of movies and TV series helped hehe. But I remember thinking that writing crime stories is more complicated that it seems, not only because of the development of the story and clues, but also because of the dialogues, which was the most difficult part for me. After finishing it I felt exhausted, even though I didn't write it all at once. But I wished I had more time to improve it.
I actually think I will hehe. Maybe the next readers will read something better. And maybe I will dared to write another one ;)

Thank you again for your feedback I really appreciate it.

Oh and I just published an article in which I included my previous work

I'll see you around!