The Ink Well Fast and Furious Festival Day two/ Short Storie/ by @Mayifiestas

in The Ink Well3 years ago




Task One:

Describe a room (eg kitchen, bedroom, living room) in a character's house in such a way that it tells us about a person's greatest hopes and fears.


Here my vision:

"That afternoon Betty was lying on the sofa in that office, the one that for many years she felt would be her home, since she spent more time there than in her own house, always the same, the walls painted a plumb gray, which They gave the place a feeling of coldness, the same screen on the wall although already somewhat decomposed by the passage of the years, you could feel the smell of humidity, and in one or another corner some microorganisms trying to come to life on the full walls mold.

She had always refused to exchange it for the new technology of her planet, because she felt security in her old objects, which were mostly gifts from earthly beings, in one of her many visits to do politics, which is what what better does she know how to do ".


Task Two

Choose a painting by an artist - this can be a favourite of yours or a well-known artist from where you live. Now imagine a living room inspired by that painting, and show the room after a couple have had the worst fight of their relationship.


Here my vision:

In that little normal-looking room, and nothing in fashion was hanging that painting that Betty hated, every time she saw it, she felt that it was a reminder of that incident in which she and her husband Kalet were involved, and everything by a confusion.

A few years ago Kalet traveled to earth and to ingratiate himself with Betty he bought her this painting, on earth, there they told him that it was a masterpiece and of great importance, when he got home he hid the painting and then left, When Betty arrived at the house she noticed the strange lump that Kalet had not kept well, she thought that this painting was about Kalet's lover on earth, she was about to break it but he arrived in time to avoid it, thus managing to explain to her. That was, since that day the painting remains in the waiting room of his house.


Task Three
idea contributed by @sayury who wins 5 Hive!
Choose a famous moment from history and create a new fictitious element: write about the setting. For example, "A romance for Napoleon just three days before the battle of Waterloo."

Here my vision:

"When Neil Armstrong got to put his first foot on the moon, the whole world was paralyzed, everyone felt a great emotion, if we had finally achieved it! And it was there that Tapic the extraterrestrials turned on his television to see what happened. new to earth, being totally astonished to see what was happening, she could not understand what was new, put the first foot on the moon, such nonsense, when she passed by almost daily to visit her friend Tapic , how crazy I thought, humans are much weirder than us.




Write notes for a story setting inspired by the image.

"Tapic still did not understand the strange event that human beings celebrated, he could not understand, he wondered what was the novelty, that it was strange that someone will walk on the moon, it was then that he called his inseparable friend Robic, asking him what that meant , to which her friend even more ignorant of the subject than Tapic herself, responded with that security that characterized her, assuring her that human beings were very strange and that they celebrated everything, she told her that she had seen on TV that there was a place on earth where after some big event happened, they would walk around with the sole idea that new important events will happen again.

All this seemed even more absurd to Tapic, it was then when he decided to visit the earth, when he arrived at the place that his friend had told him, he walked through its streets a little dirty and worn, full of rain, he could realize that everything how much Robic had told him was false, there he learned that for human beings they were the first time they went to the moon, and for that reason how important it was, he also knew that this site was only a street in Bangladesh that had It appeared in a documentary that had been broadcast on their planet but that the audio was damaged, and that Robic had surely misinterpreted.
Tapic very much enjoyed the beautiful landscapes that the place offered her, in addition to feeling very well cared for, returning to her planet, already with the certainty that human beings were even more different than them, but that it was also true that they were full beings of kindness, humility and great generosity. "

 3 years ago  

Hello @mayifiestas I liked how you told the story from an alien point of view. Yes, human's first walk on the moon was a big event. I can see how an alien would think it in the ordinary course of business. A refreshing point of view. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you liked it, I tried to give it a different approach and link the two tasks.

Thank you again for engaging with Fast and Furious content, @justclickindiva!

Excellent task, I really liked that you kept the four themes in a single thread, in the end the painting became, although in something unimportant, the explanation I needed to understand human behavior, Mona Lisa, reminds us that we must take things with calm, if we rush, we tend to make mistakes, well done.

Thank you for engaging with your fellow writers' posts, @gilliatt!

Very good and creative idea to link the stories of the different tasks. And the stories of those extraterrestrials in the last two make us suppose that there will be something more complete in that way. We would love to see it soon.

Thank you for reading, of course I will try to make better things come, I hope you like it. thanks.

@morey-lezama: nice comment. I also enjoyed the way the stories were linked.

Yes, @agmoore, it was very creative and original. Thank you!

Hello good development of both tasks, I liked one more, but the two I felt that you enjoyed it quite a lot.

That extraterrestrial experience is very much connected to the reality of the trip to the moon, a fiction based on a historical fact that seems fiction. Congratulations @Mayifiestas

Good that you liked it, try to give it a different approach, thanks for taking the time to read.

I like how you linked the previous task with the current one, that was brilliant. I think it's set in the future, the way you describe it.

And the last task, it's interesting how you put the character in the skin of a being from another planet, his experiences on earth. It's a job well done.

Thank you for taking the time to read me, for me it is a pleasure to write for people who value effort and dedication, I hope I can continue to count on your support.

 3 years ago  

I enjoyed the interesting take on aliens on your post :) refreshing to read about something different :) I find the exercises interesting albeit a bit challenging.


Ahhhh, you had fun with an extra-terrestrial theme! I enjoyed reading these, @mayifiestas. You cleverly wove them together, even the historic even with the first lunar landing!

 3 years ago  

I'm amazed that you accomplished all 4 tasks. Congratulations!

I loved the scenario you created in task #2. It was excellent to place my beloved Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" somewhere in extra-terrestrial space.

Greetings @mayifiestas

Thanks to you for reading me, I'm glad you liked it.