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RE: Rubble

in The Ink Welllast year

This is a moving tribute to the past, and tearful nod to the passing of time. Buildings, trees, places hold memories. They represent experiences that will never return. The house may fall, and the tree may one day not be there, but the memories will always be yours.

You evoke very well the emotions of your youth. We feel them as you did. This nostalgia, painfully sweet, is a universal experience. As you look back at your childhood we recall our own. That you are able to do this to your reader proves the strength of your piece.

There are a few grammatical errors which do not belong in such a wonderful story :) Your story soars, but would soar even more without these errors.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @idlemind. You are a powerful writer.


@theinkwell Thank you for pointing out the grammatical errors. It was the first time I received this notification, perhaps I overlooked those while writing. I wasn't able to proofread well because of exhaustion from work. I'll check and edit those errors. Thank you for appreciating my work again. 😊

It's funny that those errors weren't noticed by Grammarly. Hahaha
Gotta be more careful next time. 😊

@spaminator Thank you for insulting me with a downvote. Keep downvoting my comments. I hope it makes you overjoyed. God bless!