So "1000 Doctors" wanna cancel Joe Rogan? ZOMBIE DOCTORS exist just like ZOMBIE BANKS! There's a Zombie Sector for every part of the economy and government. We need a CONSTITUTIONAL Separation of MEDICINE and STATE. The Free Market wants Ivermectin

in Infowars2 years ago

ya theres a lot of ZOMBIE DOCTORS like ZOMBIE BANKS, who only exist because of the centralized socialist bloated big government big pharma black hole of inefficiency.


imagine 1000 Cuban and North Korean doctors signing a petition

Who cares?

Like DOCTORS cant be bought and sold like politicians?

Because a doctor spent a few extra years in an expensive school, they deserve to be trusted more?


Ok so just have a Pharmatocracy or a Meditocracy lol

Whats the word for rule by doctors? Hippocracy? Hippocratic rule? hey thats confusing lol

Imagine if we found out we all have the power to heal our own bodies and doctors and medicine has been honestly keeping us sick LOL just imagine...we all become our own doctors onw day ..... It would make sense. look at chemo etc, look at this "vaccine" look at diabetes look at the addiction crisis where the government and corporations and local criminals cooperate with the internet to make drugs easily available across the darknet and now just directly on tiktok and instagram

I mean doctor's arent wizards yet people treat them like magic, and that if you arent a magic doctor you can't fix your body like you fix your computer etc.

With the right diagnostic tools and blockchains and AI, we can actually use group curation and decentralized labs to allow groups of people to analyze their health data in private groups ... you will be able to remain anonymous but have 1 known account people can all cooperate together on to treat or cure you etc

Imagine...someone with a webMD style question about a rash or infection uploads a photo and a curated medical advisor helps comment on what it could be, and others either verify or debate this


wow theyre going HARD after Joe Rogan

Joe should just help spotify become a decentralized blockchain based @zeptagram @emanate powered Royalties and content residual payment system that can plug into any blockchain with podcasts as nfts and blog posst with curated comments section as the ubi airdrop giveaway

spotify should be part of wax

magnatune - audio books - decentralized record labels etc


ya imagine thinking being a doctor makes you some sort of un corruptible political authority

haha just look up "Most evil doctors" and youll find endless stories about ALL the serial killer doctors out there

medicine should to be a priesthood, it should be a blockhain based on science where no one has to worry about hurting feelings when pointing out medical FACTS to potentially save lives or stop a fucking scam

for example... i bet @proofofbrain will try to mute me for questioning the "vaccine"

no im serious man

i bet if it were up to someone like @frederikaa to mute people on @proofofbrain he would just mute me for the "greater good' and lump any sort of free will to refuse a corporate product by the largest corporate interest loby in my country's parliment...i bet hed do it.. i bet he would mute me and say im fake news and that im dangerous...

i bet you man.. i bet there would be seriously pressable hive users in charge of these communities who will just allow peer pressure to press them into deleting anything anti vaccine because they think they could get in "real trouble" by those homeland security CDC fauci troops or something i dunno

seriously they have a lot of pro vaccine people trying to push back against our own free will, acting like its their chance to teach us a "lesson' that "sometimes we have to make sacrifices" and that theyll do it to us against our will and get away with iut and make us "thank them later"

thats seriously how those pro vaccine people think and they will even reject all my good ideas to form decentralized science blockchains

even if these blockhains prove the vaccine is broken and more importantly that the virus doesnt exist or cannot be isolated or that its some other pollutant like @dan larimer hinted on (graphene ? )

ya know ... its disgusting how many people want to push anyone who refuses this one single vaccine into the "Anti Vaxxer" camp and then push them in with the flat earthers

whats crazy is there are a lot of flat earthers on the trump side of the camp... and they all believe in some rediculous TarTarian dinotopia shit lol...

its likea turd in the punchbowl

OR we really will open a quantum computer stargate mantauk orion pandora box and reshape the entire world into whatever we want , whatever we imagine manifests and maybe we will get to live in dinotopia because thats the fantasy world i feel most comfortable in - and the iascension wave will just do whatever ackza's mind wants , so you all better prepare me like im gonna be taking a meditation test. if you all dont help me clear my mind and support every action i take, i will mess up and the earth will be plunged into eternal pain and suffering via metatronics...... if youre all harder working and nicer to me, we can have my mind clear enough to not ackzadentally make one of my Tourette's tics go off while im meeting King of the Galaxy or whatever lol

anyway fuck anyone who wants to guilt us into believing doctors are heros when...

  1. healthcare isnt even free in the US liek it is almost everywhere else

  2. if healthcare was free how would they have been able to actually help everyone with this "corona" virus? Just a few years ago big pharma was a big bad corporation and we would laugh at the idea of our system handling all of this extra virus action.

lol theyre literally just making us all pay attention to death and dying... when iut was already always occurring...they simply started announcing normal flu deaths on tv ...... playing make believe with hospitals diseases and everyones so corrupt and busy no one can do shit about it. The thing thats corrupting us all is so high up it doesnt care about getting caught (outside the USA- foreign interest) but the thing fucking the USA up is doing so well of a job its SCARING the rest of the world because they know its none of THEM doing it, and they know they are next. china and especially RUSSIA (or just Putin) is scared shitless that theyre countries are going to be taken over from within using the same shit used on America.... they know that THEYRE NEXT...

Anyone who wants to disagree seriously fuck you and your TV world

No really, tell me what information you go by, that DOESNt come out of a fucking TV? Do you go on Oh twitter? ok so youre all just following THE SAME ONE CENTRALIZED SOURCE for ALL YOUR FACTS? the government governs, it helps standardize weights measures and national borders, it doesnt tell us what to think and what is true and what isnt

The idea of a CDC is insane.

we should have a separation of medicine and state like, before covid, @mughat taught me would be included in a FULL BLOWN separation of EVERYTHING and state ... not just church but a separation of education and state... a separation of finance and state ... a separation of MEDICINE and state



The founding fathers just had no idea how utterly stupid Americans would be by now, and how they would just start mixing every part of the economy in with a centralized government to make this neat looking OCD driven facade that actually hurts everyone and is teh worst possible choice....

...otherwise, they would have added the seperation of MEDICINE and state, FINANCE and state, EDUCATION and state, but they probably could have never guessed that the government would start taking over medicine, a private affair... which made no sense back then ... i mean the Vatican always wanted to take over evry awspect of everything so that makes sense ...... but imagine how generic and normie you have to be to actuyally agree with the idea of a CDC or sturgeon general at all

that position Fauci is in shouldnt exist. We shouldn't have any sort of government involvement with ANY part of the economy, finance, schools, or medicine... but people assume the government WAS ALWAYS like that and they assume ITS SUPPOSED to be like this

actually without things like the SEC and IRS and federal reserve, the stock market would have 1. decentralized out to other cities 2. BECAUSE it would have been able to fail without government bailouts, and by now the NYSE and NASDAQ would have been broken up OR some NEW exchange could have been started back in 2007-2008

But instead they kept ZOMBIE BANKS going so they never had a chance to fail and the system never got a chance to heal because healing would include them failing and learning valuable lessons

just like government funded doctors never get a chance to fail and we never get to see what the free market supports


HERES WHY YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD if you disagree with joe rogan and actualy agree with censoring him and al;ternative medicine because YOU think YOU are right this ONE TIME when its dangerous enough to be a lil authoritarianst for our own good?


  1. ONLY A FREE MARKET CAN DECIDE what medicines work

  2. The free market WANTS ivermectien and HCQ

  3. The CONTROLLED REGULATED BIG PHARMA ANTI COMPETITION SCAM network has made it IMPOSSIBLE to find these medicines or lergally manufacture our own

lucky for us, bitcoin was started off the selling of illegal drugs anonymouysly for cryptocurrency

i just never thought wed have to be making and sellinG ACTUAl medicines lol

the best part is, you cant actually get in any big trouble like with scheduald dea drugs... im sure theyll bust peopel for hoardinga nd selling ivermectim or HCQ in basement pharmacies , but they arent like actual darknet narcotic schedual 1 and 2 shit lol

imagine darknet pharmacies and factories with chinese and indian labs pumping out the molcules THE MARKEt wants

THE CDC and FAUCI MUST be wrong if they are going AGAINST the FREE MARKET

The FREE MARKET wants Ivermectin and HCQ like Joe Rogan..... theres a reason the market knows best

YOU CANNOT TELL ME that ONE GOVERNMENT CENTRALIZED CDCD BIG PHAREMA captured OFFICE< is gointg to know better than a decentralized free market of citizens who WANT the product that WORKS in other countries?



THEN well tell you about vaccines and anti viral medicines ...


telos-healthcare - Copy.png


BECAUSE THERES NO WITNESSES for the CDCD and if theer WERE theyd all be teh same bog pharmqa colluding cartel groups in charge now

it should be a block producer eosio chain with randomized hierarchjioal governance

seriopusly ur a retard iof u like teh cdc and trust the government but you think money should be decentralized? but not medicine/ wtf is wrong with u