The real enemies of democracy!

in Infowars2 years ago (edited)


We all know that, especially in the last two years, we have forgotten as a society that science lives above all through discourse. Everyone has different findings, people meet, talk and discuss about them until they see where, for example, there is consensus and where is not. Now it is just the scientists and institutes, who do not get tired of emphasizing that they are the true scientists and the true science, who always prove they like to preach water but drink wine!

I always find that very interesting, because they expose themselves so obviously and show that they are clearly not who they always want to sell themselves as to the public. Everyone should really take a look here, and you should also clearly see who is allowing discourse and who is not.

Just recently, there was another frightening example on this topic, which we will now take a very brief look at. The Humboldt University cancelled a lecture that was supposed to deal with the topic of sexes and gender. A biologist wanted to give this lecture, whereupon there were calls for protest and demonstration, which is why this lecture was cancelled due to "security concerns".


The title of the talk is, of course, more controversial than ever in today's crazy times. "Sex, gender and why there are only two genders in biology"! Of course, one can discuss about it, because as I said, science lives by that, by the discourse, and therefore, especially in a democracy, one should allow all voices on this topic!

Of course, this did not fit at all into the "ideology" of the "Working Group of Critical Lawyers" at the Humboldt University in Berlin. It was the members of this working group who announced large protests and a demonstration. I find it interesting that it is precisely lawyers who think nothing at all of discourse, coming together, exchanging ideas and freedom of opinion.

It is quite revealing when representatives of an ideology, of whose correctness they are supposedly so convinced and which they pretend to be able to support with facts at any time, at the same time shy away from any public discourse because they fear that they cannot withstand a fair discussion with arguments. When such people want to silence the other side with violence, it clearly shows what to think of their ideological madness, which they want to spread at all costs, especially in the West, but also in other parts of the world, with effects on the people, which should be known to all of us by now.


If everything had gone as planned, this lecture should have officially taken place during the long "Night of Science." Ironically, the motto of the people who put on such a performance is: "Science as an answer to fake news, conspiracy theories and fatal errors." It is precisely at such a Night of Science that science does not have the space to unfold as it should, namely in discourse and in dealing with other viewpoints and opinions.

If it had been a politically correct lecture, I am sure, then one would have simply trusted in the police and/or engaged additional security forces, since an unjust state in such a case naturally every expenditure is right! Since it concerned here however from view of ideologists at the levers of power apparently around an expendable lecture, one has it simply canceled.

Well, that is the freedom of opinion in the western "democracy" and the exchange of the science in the year 2022 what is so exposing in my opinion that I say: They could not behave even more exposing!

The only thing that remains in such a situation is to caricature what could never withstand a public discourse anyway, the realization of which is also constantly prevented for this reason!