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RE: ToS Insanity - Rule #14.1.7

in Review the World4 years ago

So it seems that resteeming is illegal now unless you get written permission from Mr Sun himself.
Complete nonsense. I'm still scratching my head over the fact that people are still buying Steem.


"Who is buying?" That is a really big question.

I just looked at the SteemIt trending page. It appears that most of the trending posts are now written in Chinese. I guess the people who are buying are people used to the authoritarian mindset.

Yes, I thought that, I also thought that Justin was artificially trying to keep the price up till he can do one massive dump.

I've been hoping that Justin would sell his stake.

I fear now that his plan is to push out all of the current users and replace them.

Apparently Sun has close ties to Alibaba. Alibaba has billions in capital and millions of users.

Anyway, the trending page on SteemIt is a pretty good indication of who is buying. None of the developers of HIVE are trending. They've been replaced.