#8: My Opinion - City VS Village

in Cent2 years ago

Hi Hivians!!!

Happy Weekend and a Happy Sunday.


Today's post actually hits differently. I decided to have all my shots in black and white to express my thoughts on preference for city to village.

Here are the few points of mine:


First, when we hear of the word, "village," what comes first to your mind? Personally, that place to me, is an underdeveloped place, in which their customs and traditions govern their activities of the inhabitants. I am very sure that you will agree with me that most businesses thrive more in cities.


Looking at the business like the cyber café, anyone who wants to access the internet goes here. Most villages provide this opportunity so, many villagers move to cities, as well as the inhabitants of the city, to explore the cyber café, thereby, giving more profit to the entrepreneur.


Even a local business like the selling of crayfish, most villagers move to urban areas to sell their goods because they know that most of the urban dwellers will not come to the village to purchase these goods.


For this, these sellers of local foodstuffs, can top up the prices of their goods and make so much gain. So, how can one take the village to be more advantageous than the city.


Also, every city has a tourist attraction to every foreigner. It is crystal clear that no country will like a foreigner to explore the undeveloped places in it.

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That is because there is so much gain to the government, when these foreigners come to our cities. Looking at it the other way round, what do you want a foreigner to look for in the village.


Here in the city, we have amusement parks, eateries, galleries, museums, archives and lots more.
Hence, being in a city more advantageous than living in the village.

You will also agree with me that the rights of the citizens are emphasized in the cities.
In a city, for instance, if a citizen was being accused falsely of a crime, he or she can appeal to a court for fair hearing, as it is the right of every citizen to be represented by a lawyer in the court of law. But in a typical village, if one is falsely accused of a crime like stealing such a person would be either be taken to a village chief, who might be corrupt or he or she is beaten mercilessly without knowing the truth, thereby, exercise what is called, "jungle justice". now what can make a village more advantageous than city.


In addition, human conducts in a village are guided by the traditional custom, cultures and beliefs.
In the city, the code of conduct of every man is embedded in the constitution of the same country. For instance the government says we have the right to ownership of properties and then a widow due to tradition, is being deprived of her properties, as people suspect she is the murderer of her husband.

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If this happens in the city, they would sued to court for trying to infringe the right of a citizen, which is paramount to disciplinary measure from the court. and so, if rural dwellers really want fair hearing, they should move out of the shell of their cultural believes
because all cities have proven themselves to be more advantageous than living in these villages.


I am very sure that with these opinions of mine, I have been able to win your minds on the fact that, city life is more advantageous than life in the village.

NOTE: All pictures were originally captured and edited by me.