Where do you see the total crypto marketcap by the end of the year?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

Hey everyone!

Figured I'd check what everyone's thoughts are on the upcoming months and where crypto is headed.

As of writing this the total marketcap is at $387 billion with ETH having caught up to BTC quite a bit and being worth almost 1/4th of its marketcap. Other so called altcoins have been reaching the billion mark as well lately but we're still far off from the last bull run where the total marketcap was just over $800 billion.

Like in the post from last week, I'll be liquidating the post rewards using @reward.app and tipping them to everyone commenting. Curious to know what your thoughts are.

As a bonus I'll give whoever was closest 100 Hive on New Years. As long as they remind me of it cause I may forget! :P

PS! After guessing total marketcap, where do you think Hive will stand by new years?


I see Total marketcap to be flat. BTC should rally a bit more perhaps, but alts will cool off. So net result should be flat.

Edit: realized i put all post rewards to go to curators through @reward.app by accident which was meant to be tipped to comments instead, I'll do some tipping either way after payout.

My personal opinion is that the growth of the cryptocurrency will continue and will soon strengthen a little. As for HIVE, there are all prerequisites for good growth by the New Year (I would like to see HIVE by the New Year about $ 1, but only 4 months left, I think it is quite possible at 0.60 cents (although anything can happen). We all need to work hard for this.🐝🐝🐝

Since crypto is the sleeping giant
I can rest assured crypto will move the needle
a little bit more around $600 billion with #Btc leading the way.
2021 will be the surprising factor.
#Hive should easily reach a dollar right by December 25th.

I have a feeling that the bull run from here on will be very different from the bull run two years ago. I think it will be a slow and steady growth as opposed to an immediate pump last time. I would say $800 billion is attainable.

Hive would probably be at $0.5.

Wild unscientific guesses:

Total market cap: $700 billion
Hive at New Years: $0.42

I used to not believe in the flippening.. but I kind of do now. By the end of the year I guess 600 billion, with the hive price at 85 cents. Not into a bull market quite yet even, but getting close by then..

I think at end of year, total crypto market will attain $650 billions and for Hive, I think it would be close to one dollar.

Total marketcap $950 billion and our hive will stand at $1.30 per hive at least.

market growth will be determined by Defi and I think we can expect great things for Christmas

Market Cap: $ 700
Hive: $ 0.50

Posted using Dapplr

Five Hundred Fiddy Five Billion Five Hundred Fiddy Five Million Five Hundred Fiddy Five Thousand Five Hindred Fiddy Five Dollars and Fiddy Five Cents ($555,555,555,555.55).

Now give it to me in binary

550 Billion Hive 38c

At the end of 2020, the total market cap will be $600 billion and HIVE will be at $0.35.

260 Billion Hive 17c Edit says: That is optimistic!

lol, not sure I wanna hear your pessimistic guess

Calculate with the badest and hope for the best. ;-)

I think everything will stay about the same

My guess is up by around 25%. Say $499bn total market cap.
Bitcoin looking at $14000.
Hive at 30c.

Let’s put it on $850b as of 31/12/2020 🤣

Oh ya, for HIVE, I would position it at $1.5 😎

I have no idea where the hive will lead since it was proven that the future is not safe anymore but I still have hopes that something great will happen after all this madness of 2020 :(

Total market cap is very virtual.
If btc will be 300bil and ethereum 200bil it will be huge.
Hive by the end of the year 8000 satoshi

297billion market cap, 14.4c hive
that is my prediction

I think the FUD surrounding the Americas politically and socially is going to drive a lot more people to look at alternative stores of wealth. I'd wager a lot of people distrust Wall St, and they're not going to want to be involved in the stock market. Gold is a good wealth store, but it's also seen as old money and not easily obtained physically.

Ideally, more and more people will invest in crypto and use it more. I see coins like BTC and LTC being used as investment currencies, while coins like Hive and Doge get more regular spending money adoption. Hell, if I could, I'd accept Hive on my eBay store...

I think it be higher than now so good outlook for the Cryptos

Oh what a nice gesture for New Year you have planned. I am sure the one who will have to do the receiving will remember hihi


Market cap: 500 billion
Hive: .57

This is no information backed opinion, more a feeling.

For me the actual situation feels a bit like early 2017 and I think things are going to go up within the next months. I am not sure if we will hit the Trillion, but I guess we will see a raise between 100%-200%. Let's check back ;)

Real question is why is Hive market cap slipping so hard? So called whales (minus the ones committees to the code) all bounced.

If more and more from here go chasing 'wrapping paper rewards' how on earth is Santa Claus going to be giving out any candy or even a block of sugar to those that remain loyal?

I think your community focus should be going hard on Latin America. Actually give them decent rewards though. Not just $10 to split with the whole village.