Do You Enjoy Swimming in Rivers?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

It's not actually swimming, because, 1st of all, I don't know how to, it's more of like dipping in the river just to cool off from the summer heat.

Lately, I find myself by a river somewhere in the mountains, especially on the Weekends, and it's been a great way to explore Spain and to experience another side of life.

If I'm being honest, I'd probably not be able to do this in my country because there's a lot of wild animals, insects, frogs etc, as it is by African standards. It's one of the most beautiful things, but it's also one of the things that I grew up being scared of for some reason.

I am still having moments of fear and panic, I can't believe there are no harmful creatures in the Spanish wild. The closest I have seen are water flies , bees and butterflies. How cool.

I guess we could say I have a new found hobby of skin dipping in rivers.It can be quite fun when you find a perfect spot, make a mini picnic and enjoy an afternoon. It's even better if you have beers or alcohol of choice to wind up in the evening ;)

Here's a few photos from this weekend's experience in Segovia, one of Spain's most popular provinces for excursions, sports like cycling, hiking and mountain climbing, river picnicking and more....

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Something that size in Texas would be a creek. They are indeed great for some summer fun. As a boy, my father would take us swimming at a nearby creek. Sometimes we would stay all day and even barbecue while we were there.