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RE: Ask the Hive: How will you change your voting behavior with linear curve in the upcoming hardfork?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago

I haven't actually checked out what this new hardfork will bring, although from what I can make out of your story, it sounds fairer? I recall reading somewhere that curation rewards won't be higher when you're voting sooner after the hf, but I really can't remember if that's accurate.
Either way, since I've been back, I've been trying to keep up a little with manual voting. It's a bit tough on me for now with the lack of energy, but I'm hoping it'll get easier with time. I've always liked manual curating, especially when finding a good post/writer that deserves way more than they've been getting. For now though, I do sometimes throw some quick votes around on posts of writers I've been following since the very start, just because I know they write and do good stuff and I can't always read much (dizziness).
Right now, I'm happy to be delegating a big portion of my voting power to OCD, so atleast I know it'll go to a good cause. I can always change things when I get better and have more energy to do my own curating.

Oh yeah, long story short: I won't be changing my voting behavior for a hardfork :D